Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ode to an Unsung Hero

Oh Raisin, you are beautiful
I love you very much
I used to think that bananas were the perfect fruit and such
but raisins, you are wonderful
because of your sweet taste
because you're full of energy
I eat you, then I haste
Oh raisin
what would life be like - without you to be had?
why, Kellogg Raisin Bran Crunch would really taste quite bad
and oatmeal raisin cookies - would be nothing but a bore
quite frankly, I think Raisin bread would really be a chore.
But raisin, you have saved the day
and now we love you so!
I think raisins should be hailed outloud
and declared a national hero!

sorry - some things just have to be said. today I discovered the true value of raisins and I wanted to tell the world - for though they're simply ok on their own - raisins truly are a wonderful fruit - they add such life and vitality to other things. Ok, I've spent way to long on this.
hey - if you've noticed the new look - I felt it's time for a spring makeover. so I'll be trying this for a while (probably for good - it just took me forever to put all the links back in because I didn't copy them before I changed the page. arrrggg).
That's all for today. Have a raisin!

tulip a.k.a new raisin groupie.

1 comment:

C said...


I love the new look - very pretty and green (and easier to read, w/out all the dots in the background). :) And I'm sure raisin (and grape) lovers everywhere are nodding their heads in agreement (although I'm not sure I'd count myself among them - but I have been known to enjoy a raisin or two in my time).

Congrats on figuring out how to do the links again though! Yaaaaay Tulip!