Thursday, June 09, 2005

"No message for you! Hang up the phone Loser!"

I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading my old blogs and responses. I quite enjoyed them (is that vain?). also, is it vain that I love my raisin poem so much?
anyways - I don't have much to say tonight. except that I have become a compulsive message checker - well - I check my cell for calls I haven't missed... Kailey and I have a phrase for it - one we think the voice says in our message centre when we constantly check: "No message for you! hang up the phone Loser!" (at least that's what I think she'd say if she was a real person and not a machine). it's kinda like how I constantly check everyone's blog to see if they've written anything new -guys?! why aren't you writing?
what else? nothing esle (can you tell that I am - what? bored?). I've been learning to catch. K and I have started playing catch beside the building - with gloves and everything (I'm still learning the lingo - like um - window? net? no - pocket! you try to get the ball into the pocket of the glove!) I've always hated catching - it's something I could never do very well (I do play volleyball though - I love it because there is no pressure and the point of the game involves *not* catching the ball), and it doesn't help that I am a ball magnet - that is - I have a ball magnet inside of my head. and playing catch for the first time on Saturday did nothing to disprove that - my first time at it and I got a whammer in the side of my face (I tell you - I just wanted to go inside and have a cry - but I stuck it out - I was a trooper - I put on a brave face and kept playing - aren't you proud of me?)(it's still soar when I poke my eye like this < poke >). And K says I'm quite good for someone who's never played catch before - I choose to interpret that as a compliment. :)
That's all for now I think. oh, one more thing - today I went for a long walk and stopped in a park and watched kids play ball (I tell you - it really is a high pressure sport although the coaches seemed pretty good and the kids got as many chances to hit the ball as was needed - no "strike 3 your out") and I got all emotional when I saw a family having fun. is that normal? it seems to happen to me a lot - whenever I see little kids with their parents I want to (and sometimes do) burst into tears. some women would say that's my clock ticking - but my clock is not ticking - that is - I'm sure it is (but quietly) - but I don't actually want kids right now (and did I tell you how I NEVER want twins?!) so what is that sentimental, emotional drivel I feel? grrrr... don't tell anyone - but underneath (my rugged exterior..LOL) I really am just a wussy girl. but if you say anything about it I'll punch your lights out!
(heart) tulip

p.s. on further thought -I suppose I did have much to say - although little was said.

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