Wednesday, June 29, 2005


check out Tomtales
- I've posted a tale of adventure: love and betrayal (well, not really, but you can read and imagine that it is).

Everything's alright, yes. Everything's fine

That's the song going around in my head right now. I like that song - it's calm and restful although ironic - when it's sung everything's not fine. it's from the production Jesus Christ Superstar - I just saw it recently - I didn't like it very much - they left out the most important part, i.e. the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - and the event is much too important for me to overlook the omission and say that the music was good and the actors alright. The resurrection is the point upon which Christianity turns - this was not some dude who was good and died at the hands of men - this was the Son of God who rose victorious over death (getting rid of all my sins while so doing) - it's a pretty big omission. I was so mad when I finished watching it - I felt as though I'd been robbed of 2 hours of my life. During the movie I was willing to look over all the alterations: the portrayal of Jesus (as an unwilling man - just doing it for his reward) and all that business with Mary Magdalene - I was willing to overlook it all - but the ending was so pointless I shake my head and overlook none of it. I'm mad that an otherwise faithfull production was so ruined.
* * *
In other news.
today's air quality was so bad - I woke up unable to breath and all day I've been walking around with a sock in my chest. oh I need to leave Toronto.
But I did make it out to the gym this morning (without falling over) - it was great - it's the first time in months. I love exercise! that sweaty - working hard - getting rid of pent up energy feeling. although I probly shouldn't try it again when the weather's so bad - my lungs are probably shriveled with the effort.
here's to the rain coming soon.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Toronto is That way <- <-

So last night K and I went for our first official bike ride. I've been relearning how to ride (I still hold that it's possible to forget) - and this was supposed to be my first time doing more than just riding around the parking lot or around the track near Bathurst. And ride it was.
It all started quite nicely - we went through the burbs of Toronto - you know the neighbourhoods which have enough money to make you think that perhaps (if you had enough money for an actual front yard) Toronto wouldn't be such a bad place to live. K wanted to start me off on something easy instead of taking me up Casaloma or on one of the trails. around 9pm I suggested that we start heading home - I figured it was quite a ways and I didn't want to try out my night vision. So we started - heading home. We reached a nice biking path and started along it. it was quite scenic - a long stretch of road - few cars and lots of trees...
10 minutes after that K says "we should be reaching civilization soon"
"how come?"
"because we've been riding for quite a while"
10 minutes after that I say "we should be reaching civilization soon"
10 minutes after that we passed a grave yard....
and more trees
and more trees
(are you getting me?)
we have been singing to each other all this time - actually for the whole ride thus far "five hundred twentyfive thousand six hundred minutes?" (thanks C). we're singing loudly.
finally we come across two ladies - they are jogging towards us? K asks them how far the intersection is. they say to us "Toronto is that way". yeah - you got it right - the other way than we've been heading. The jogger continues: "I don't know what's that way - though there is an intersection".
K and I decide to continue to the intersection - in anycase - we can always turn back if need be.
yep, we needed to. especially when the bike way ended and highway began. about then K told me that she had no idea where we were....
We turned back. by now it was dark. we passed the Grave Yard again. (it was full moon too)(big and yellow)
Talked about Michael Jackson's Thriller, spiders (some of the tree branches were low). talked about how glad we were for street lights (they were few and far between - but at least they were there). and thought about being grabbed off the path by someone coming out of the dark trees (I later found out that K was having the exact thought - I'm glad neither of us voiced it then). We still sang - loudly.
needless to say we made it home safely (and have lived to tell the tale) and laugh at ourselves - two tourguides lost in Toronto.
K thinks I have cause to hate her and that I'll never ride with her again.
To that I say "what never ride again? the good times are only just beginning!"

Sunday, June 19, 2005


K this one is for you.

Somewhere in the great universe there is a large void of darkness - we call it (place echo sound effect here) *the vortex*. It is a powerful entity which works in many ways to consume its victims: in the same way that a black hole devours all that is around it to such an extent that even light cannot escape, surely *the vortex* has similar effects. Upon nearing the entity, one is first attracted by some pleasing feature – perhaps it looks like a bed of roses – or maybe you hear nice music (insert flower animations and harps and flutes playing); once you have entered within range of its tentacles it slowly caresses, then – without warning – it strikes. It’s most effective weapon is guilt. You are made to believe that whatever has gone wrong is your fault, you worry constantly that it’s feelings will/have been hurt by something you have done or said – or worse still – something you haven’t said or done. You find yourself spending way more time than you’d planned – even if it’s not happy time spent. You find yourself laughing and smiling at jokes when really all you want to do is bang your head on a wall (or perhaps bang someone else’s head on a wall). In short – you walk on egg shells afraid there will be an explosion of the smoldering kind – the sulky smoldering kind – and when there is you do all that is possible to compensate, to correct.
I’m sure you’ve all come across a vortex by now – at least one person who has the ability to thoroughly depress within minutes. The type of person you walk away from feeling as though next time –perhaps you’ll just run the other way (and hope that they don’t see).
Well, guys - I wish I had a bit of knowlegde to impart - a way to make yourself more tolerant towards them. Sadly I don't know the answer. I want you to know though, that you are not alone - there are many sufferers out there, including me. My only insight is to take sometime to get to know them (bite the bullet, swallow the pill) but don't let them consume you - feel able to say "no" without feeling guilty - know that it's NOT your fault, know that it is within your right to walk away. Be strong my sisters (and brothers). Be strong.

quote for the day: "Besides, I'm morally opposed to back hair" K

Friday, June 17, 2005

a mutated form of PMS/ Call Centres how I hate thee - Let me count the ways

I hate the way you get my hopes up.

So today I went in for an interview for a call centre - don't yell at me - I didn't know that it was a call centre before I went - and so I prepared for a totally different interview - I thought it was a hostess type thing - needless to say I was sorely dissappointed when I saw the little cubicles - infact, my heart sank and I felt like bursting into tears (are you surprised?). the reason I was so confused is that I sent out an application 2 days ago for a hostess position with a survey group - so when a survey group called me the next day I just immediately assumed it was the same one, sadly this is not the case. I have very bad luck with call centres - or rather, it has nothing to do with luck - I hate telemarketing (and I especially hate it when people try to make it seem that it's something else - Don't lie about it - fess up and take your stinking telemarketing ways elsewhere!) and (happily) I am not the greatest salesman (I think I'm too compasionate for sales - when people tell me "no" - they have no money - I believe them, I understand where they're coming from, I leave them alone - not like those sharks who see protest as a buying signal - grrrrrr) and it shows - so I can never keep such a job for very long (in the past 2 years I've done 4 such jobs - 1 month, 7 months, and the last two 4 days each).
but on the way home some fun things happened:
* I stopped at Indigo and read about Women's health {always good to know you're a)not going crazy and b)not alone in your feelings}
* I read a quote about a husband who calls PMS - "my signal to Pack My Suitcase"
* I passed a guy with the coolest shirt - only now I forget what it said - it was about some country in the middle east - oh yeah! it was red and it said "Chad is Rad"
* I saw a man with a green bow tie - he had paused to watch a little sparrow
* I saw a black bird with an orange feather on each wing - very interesting
So the day was not a total bust, and I plan to go home and make sweet potato pie! I've never had it the way it's described (i.e in a pie crust) - but it sounds yummy :).

PMS - the extended version

I'd first like to say that I'm happy to be reading new updated blogs - aren't you happy to read new updated blogs?
so - you're probably wondering what's up with the name... well - for those of you who read my last blog you will remember me mentioning crying in the park over seeing families having fun together. but now - a week later I find myself still in the grasp of the monster..
K can tell you I have truly been a suck for the last few days - first I cried at the scene in Pride and Prejudice (yes - we watched the whole thing with great savor and then rewound it and watched some parts again - K got so excited over Mr Darcy that I don't think it's good for her constitution if she watches it more than once a year {he *smolders*}) - the scene when Mr Bingly and Jane finally get together (I hope I haven't spoiled it for anyone) - they are both so happy and so very cute I get all choked up just thinking about it. But it was when I started balling during an episode of I Love Lucy (K and I watched one during lunch yesterday - Lucy managed to save a town from an evil expressway - and there was spontaneous singing and *tap*!!! what more could a girl want?) that I clued in that something must be up with me - that, along with the fact that I've been craving chocolate (doesn't usually happen but I suppose June is a special month). Oh dear - this morning I balled when I read the parable about the Prodigal Son [Luke 15vs 11-21]- (if you haven't read it - you should sometime - Our Father God's love for us is amazing - unlimited and boundless).
So I have decided to put it to blog (kinda like putting pen to paper -but virtually) and sharing my experiences - because ladies and gentlemen - (though I can't say I know of any gentlemen reading my blog) PMS is a very real thing. My best friend doesn't really believe in it - she thinks that it's just something that women use as an excuse to behave badly -infact - many women feel that way - and perhaps it is true for some, but I write to relate my experience that pre-menstrual syndrome is a very real thing not to be scoffed at (though perhaps we must laugh - sometimes it's better to laugh than to cry). but I'm sure many of you have found this to be very true for yourselves already - and if so - feel free to share.
anyways - I 'm off to lunch with a friend. have a good day!!! accept/expect random crying spells.

here are some sites on PMS that I found helpful

Thursday, June 09, 2005

"No message for you! Hang up the phone Loser!"

I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading my old blogs and responses. I quite enjoyed them (is that vain?). also, is it vain that I love my raisin poem so much?
anyways - I don't have much to say tonight. except that I have become a compulsive message checker - well - I check my cell for calls I haven't missed... Kailey and I have a phrase for it - one we think the voice says in our message centre when we constantly check: "No message for you! hang up the phone Loser!" (at least that's what I think she'd say if she was a real person and not a machine). it's kinda like how I constantly check everyone's blog to see if they've written anything new -guys?! why aren't you writing?
what else? nothing esle (can you tell that I am - what? bored?). I've been learning to catch. K and I have started playing catch beside the building - with gloves and everything (I'm still learning the lingo - like um - window? net? no - pocket! you try to get the ball into the pocket of the glove!) I've always hated catching - it's something I could never do very well (I do play volleyball though - I love it because there is no pressure and the point of the game involves *not* catching the ball), and it doesn't help that I am a ball magnet - that is - I have a ball magnet inside of my head. and playing catch for the first time on Saturday did nothing to disprove that - my first time at it and I got a whammer in the side of my face (I tell you - I just wanted to go inside and have a cry - but I stuck it out - I was a trooper - I put on a brave face and kept playing - aren't you proud of me?)(it's still soar when I poke my eye like this < poke >). And K says I'm quite good for someone who's never played catch before - I choose to interpret that as a compliment. :)
That's all for now I think. oh, one more thing - today I went for a long walk and stopped in a park and watched kids play ball (I tell you - it really is a high pressure sport although the coaches seemed pretty good and the kids got as many chances to hit the ball as was needed - no "strike 3 your out") and I got all emotional when I saw a family having fun. is that normal? it seems to happen to me a lot - whenever I see little kids with their parents I want to (and sometimes do) burst into tears. some women would say that's my clock ticking - but my clock is not ticking - that is - I'm sure it is (but quietly) - but I don't actually want kids right now (and did I tell you how I NEVER want twins?!) so what is that sentimental, emotional drivel I feel? grrrr... don't tell anyone - but underneath (my rugged exterior..LOL) I really am just a wussy girl. but if you say anything about it I'll punch your lights out!
(heart) tulip

p.s. on further thought -I suppose I did have much to say - although little was said.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ode to an Unsung Hero

Oh Raisin, you are beautiful
I love you very much
I used to think that bananas were the perfect fruit and such
but raisins, you are wonderful
because of your sweet taste
because you're full of energy
I eat you, then I haste
Oh raisin
what would life be like - without you to be had?
why, Kellogg Raisin Bran Crunch would really taste quite bad
and oatmeal raisin cookies - would be nothing but a bore
quite frankly, I think Raisin bread would really be a chore.
But raisin, you have saved the day
and now we love you so!
I think raisins should be hailed outloud
and declared a national hero!

sorry - some things just have to be said. today I discovered the true value of raisins and I wanted to tell the world - for though they're simply ok on their own - raisins truly are a wonderful fruit - they add such life and vitality to other things. Ok, I've spent way to long on this.
hey - if you've noticed the new look - I felt it's time for a spring makeover. so I'll be trying this for a while (probably for good - it just took me forever to put all the links back in because I didn't copy them before I changed the page. arrrggg).
That's all for today. Have a raisin!

tulip a.k.a new raisin groupie.