Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The trouble with Saf.... What's in a name?

I'll tell you what's in a name!!
to prevent any further confusion to my readers I will once again clarify Saf and Saf.
2 lovely women in my life who share the same nic:
my sister - Safiya aka
  • Dr Robby
  • who is now online (YAY) - I've placed a link on the side of my page; and my friend - Safia aka
  • sappho

  • 2 hip and happening ladies (perhaps it's the name)

    Dr Robby calls herself "the original" and I suppose since I knew her first, and since she is older - she may win that argument, which would make Sappho - "the other one" although she could never be "other" for she is not, instead we can call her... what shall we call her?
    I was going to say "once removed" then I thought how about "number 1" (but that would make Dr Robby zero - which she might not like), so if you have any suggestions on how it would be possible to distinguish (Saf K and Saf R) without some sort of ranking - please do let me know.
    now that we have that cleared that up, I want to moan a minute about illusive wilderness references - GRRRRRRR!!!! ilusive, abstract essays!!!!! ggrrrrr!!!!! ilussive abstract courses!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (see how my spelling deteriorates as I get more annoyed?)

    p.s hey sappho, thanks for your response on music. the word that keeps coming to my mind is organic - something flowing, never "other" - never disconnected - but more than just "connected" or "just being" instead - moving - like music, and alive. :) like 3D painting that moves - that's alive!

    p.p.s sappho - my sister Saf is coming for a visit this week (yay!) you should come meet her! - Safs Unite!!!


    C said...

    How about referring to the Saf's by initials? Saf R & Saf K, or S-R (don't know the middle iniital) and SAK?

    And yes, I do love and enjoy how your spelling of the word 'illusive' changes with every sentence. And I've had it in my head that every time you write 'illusive' you are using it to with the intent to mean 'elusive' ....I could be completely wrong though. So I looked them both up.... :) Let me know.

    adj : based on or having the nature of an illusion; "illusive hopes of of finding a better job"; "Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy"

    e·lu·sive ( P ) adj.
    Tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension, or memory: “an invisible cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist [himself]” (David Kline).
    Difficult to define or describe: “Failures are more finely etched in our minds than triumphs, and success is an elusive, if not mythic, goal in our demanding society” (Hugh Drummond).

    sappho said...

    i would love to meet saf aka dr. robby. is she going to be in toronto on friday? eeek that's tomorrow. i am stopping by with the infamous tony to sneakily lurk away with some of your furniture...i am so glad you liked the music/dancing post. organic is the perfect word. and girl you just gave me a wonderful idea for a new dance about 3D paintings that move...it makes me happy!! creatively yours, with love,