Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I just need first to say: I don't want to have twins - ever.(!)
There, that being said, instead of complaining I will think of ten happy things to say.
1. Exams are almost over!
2. Babies are cute - even when your exhausted and want to lie down - they're still cute. Especially when they smile.
3. It's spring (for now)(I hear tell of snow this weekend - I say BRING IT ON!)
4. I like it when you unexpectedly bump into someone you want to see in a place where you don't usually go or they don't usually go - especially when you're tired and need to see them (especially if they're a cute boy/girl depending on your preference)
5. Niagra Falls is beautiful - though never quite as beautiful as when you see it the first time (because every time after that it'll just be "water falling" to you - but still beautiful).
(it's hard to think of 10 things)
6. I was walking down the street today and I was tired and hungry when I suddenly thought - I'm glad that I can walk down the street - I'm glad that I can see, and smell and hear! wow - how blessed I am today!
7. Johnathan Livingston Seagull - a must read - when you do - you'll know why it's on the happy list (I just bought it - ask me and I'll share the joy!)
(running out of steam..)
8. Chocolate is yummy!!!!
9. Bananas are yummier!!! (I know there are many of you who would disagree with that one - but it's true!!!! or you can insert your favourite fruit there)...(what was that? Nothing is better than chocolate?)....ok,ok, I retract that last comment - switch numbers 8 and 9.
10. My God is REAL. (!)

happy Wednesday!

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