Monday, April 25, 2005


here is another list of things. A list of - T&K(&C)-isms.
1. KAILEY!!!!!????!!!!!
2. TALIBAH??!?!?!
3. Carolyn's home!/Collins! (sadly, to be said less often, as home has moved for everyone)
4. Good times.. good times had by all :-)
5. Have I ever steared you wrong?
6. true story!
7. Whatever Coots!
8. That's what I'm talking about!
9. Straighten up and fly right!
10. All you eat is carbs!
11. you big jerk!
12. mmhmmm?... mhhmmmnnnn!(no vocalization - just wordless conversation that may translate to "that's what I'm talking about" or "good times had by all" - especially used when eating yummy food cooked by any of the afformentioned)
13. I take care of you!
14. BAKES?????!!!!!!!!
15. 100%

we are slowly developing our own language (grammer included!) - and soon we will no longer be able to socialize properly - because no one will know what we're talking about (heheh.... good times! good times had by all!)
love, tulip

1 comment:

kjane said...


That's what I'm talkin' about man. 100%. Good times. Good times for the whole family. (*high five*)

Right on.

- spart