Thursday, April 28, 2005

Breathe Tulip... just breathe.

lots of stuff going on. I recently moved so we've been setting up our apartment nice and cozy:). and tom has been having a time of it - (will give update on tomtales). I've been very tired - and so kinda spaced out - like on Monday I spent half an hour looking for a HUGE bottle of cleaning solution. I even went over to the old house and looked there. that night when K got home she opened the broom closet and showed me the bottle of solution - right on the shelf (I missed seeing the entire shelf when I opened the broom closet ten times that day) - where I may actually have placed it 2 days before.... good times.. good times for the whole family. Moving has been fun. I hope not to have to do it any time soon.
I'm somewhat discomfited because a lot of changes - temporary and permanent have been going on - people are leaving - for summer.. for the year.... for good...:-( This year I feel it more than usual (in the life of a student every year brings change so it's standard procedure that I should be used to by now) - I think that's because this year I've actually made friends - well.... let me put it another way - I've made actual friends (as opposed to virtual ones that is...LOL) of new people, and of those I knew before... so it'll be different when they leave. But on the other hand - having made friends - actual friends - means I have had many good experiences and will have many fond memories. thanx guys! So I'll try not to be sad.

on another note..
here are some additions to my last list - K&T&C isms. I will never be able to cover fully the things we say - I'm sorry guys - don't be mad if I forget an important one - we'll be know what it is ourselves, also, feel free to add anymore in the comments.

16. Are you feeling that?! I'm feeling that!
17. High fives - (and low fives) - (i.e. hand slaps - over the head and by the hip)enthusiatically with much head nodding.
here's 2 on Tom:
18. "He's your cat man".... "My cat? no, only cause I paid for him".... "well you picked him out - he's your cat man"...
19. Don't be bad.
and lastly - following K giving you the finger - only not the middle one...
20. You got Stumped!

here's to good times ahead - new sayings said, new friendships formed.
(heart) tulip

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