Thursday, September 08, 2005

Here comes the Sun

This morning K said to me -
"Where is the sun? There's no motivation to get up if there's no sunshine. Do you know what I mean?"
I had no idea what she meant - I was in the act of pouring raisins into my bran flakes (aside:- ahh bran flakes how I love thee - let me count the ways: I love the way you taste - not too sweet; I love the way that you crunch; I love the way that you're so healthy for me; I love the way that you support raisins so well in the morning) and all I could think was - this is a reason to get up every morning! Once again I must declare my eternal love for raisins. Today I got a new take on it - Raisins are sunshine displaced - (like the displacement of energy: it can never be destroyed) - Sunshine shines onto grapes which converts this wonderful energy into Goodness and in the process are transformed to lovely shrively perfect Raisins.
(scientific format: Sunshine + Grapes = Goodness + Raisins)
which explains why I can jump out of bed come rain, come shine (come sleet) so long as there are raisins in my cupboard: I take my sunshine on my cereal!

On another note on lovely Spadina house interactions... recently I left K for the weekend (I spent a wonderful time at Western with one of my bestfriends - good food, good friends - good times!). K tells me that her weekend was bereft without me (well she didn't put it quite like that). she did say that Tom was nuisance - even when soaking wet. She also said that one night at twelve her next door neighbour started to hammer something in.... we cannot conclude if this means that they were doing the horizontal tango or interior designing at midnight - we hold strong for the latter. Yesterday evening I decided to lie in bed for a few minutes (naps are good - even at 7pm) when my slumber was interupted by a woman's scream. now, people scream all the time - we live right on the main road - opposite a university - there are engineers, frosh and all manner of weirdos - but after a while even I had to concede that this type of screaming was of a different nature (blush).... all I have to say is - "ohhh 666 - how you constantly keep us amused. "

cheers, tulip


kjane said...

"Why, you're Don Lockwood, aren't ya? And Don Lockwood's an actor, isn't he? And what's the first thing an actor learns?!? The show must go on! Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet! The show must go on! So Riidi, Balliachi, Riidi..."
- Donald O'Connor in Singin' in the Rain

The show must indeed go on, with or without actual sunshine. Raisins, in my opinion, are a poor substitute, though they do give my dear roommate much joy, and hence are entertaining for me in a roundabout way.

- spart

kjane said...

p.s.- I maintain it was home improvement. Hammering, my child. Hammering.

C said...

Uh, you guys? Even if you maintain the stance that it was 'home improvement', and 'hammering', the fact that you used 'hammering something in' and 'horiziontal tango' in the same sentence...

Dirty, dirty place that 666 is. And I'm not even there!

Tulip said...

LOL!! oh C.

Hana said...

*pictures of screaming women are dancing around in my mind* Something's not right with this picture ... are you sure it was screaming that you heard and not moaning? ;)

Tulip said...

blushing - yes - "moaning" is a more appropriate word miss H but I blush to say it.. LOL.

C said...

The word 'moan' is making you blush, Tulip? Awwww.

What was that you used to come up to my room for, eh? ;) To borrow a hammer? I think not....


Hana said...

Oh oh OH! DISTURBING MENTAL IMAGES OF CAROLYN AND TALI-BEE GOING THROUGH MY HEAD! THIS IS SO WRONG! (and I think that this entry is getting a little to R rated for people ... moving on!)