Saturday, September 24, 2005

The KISS principle

Recently K wrote a blog called "100 facts about me" - the title is pretty self explanatory. the blog that she wrote before that was aptly called "I like Stuff" about how she is NOT a minimalist. I felt encouraged to write a response to both of these pieces so here goes. for those of you who know me well, you will know how I feel about waste - wasted things especially (even too the point where I will eat boiled radishes so they don't go to waste!)(let's not speak of that anymore)(I have no problem wasting time though!) - and extras - I dislike extras (except for extra comments in brackets - I quite like those). My dad taught me a principle called the KISS principle - and I have tried always to live with this in mind (though whether or not I stick to it I leave you to decide) - KISS is an acronym for the phrase "keep it simple stupid" - it's very useful. I think it sums me up to a T (no pun intented). and just for the record - I do not consider myself to be a minimalist - I own more than 2 shirts and therefore have excess... but perhaps one day I will succeed:). So here it is:

a)I like to keep it simple
b)I'm very easy to please (which is really the same as a) but I thought that I should elaborate a bit because it's a very important aspect)

ps. I must admit to a bit of madness in the previous blogs - I claim no responsibility for it all (comments included) even though it is in some ways my own.... I'm saying my evil twin did it!


Hana said...

I am like you also ... love things to be simple ... simple life, simple wedding ;) Simple honeymoon, simple life with the kids ... ;)

The madness from previous posts are entirely your doing ... don't blame alter-egos ... I don't blame my alters for the assy things that I say!

kjane said...
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