Thursday, September 01, 2005

We really are ordinary people

we really should take it slow.
So it's been a long while since I've last written. much has happened since then. For instance I went on a trip with K to Nova Scotia - we had a time.... Nova Scotia is a beautiful place.
Also, today C is moving to London ON... bye C! have fun! I'll miss you! (tear). and on Monday H is moving to Kingston. Bye H! I'll miss you! (tear)
Tomorrow my cousin goes to Ottawa for uni (you won't read this but I'll miss you - tear). Nat is back in T.O. (yay! I missed you) In short - there is lots of moving and changing going on.
I started a new volunteering position (or rather the same position with a new family) - another mother with twins. I think that new mothers and mothers-to-be are beautiful.
I've started- I've made a friend (I cringe away from the phrase "started a new relationship" it's an icky phrase full of all sorts of confusing connotations - I just want to keep it simple). I think that he is wonderful.
But today what's foremost on my mind - apart from K's Birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY K! and Nate and David and Ruth and Brenda and Clare (Fischer) who have recently come back into my life (wink) - welcome back guys!
What's foremost on my mind is second chances. I know second chances are key - we are/were all given a second chance when Jesus died on the cross. But there was a time when I thought that in certain situations second chances just shouldn't happen. I don't know - today I had to rearrange my thinking on it.... I'm having difficulty with this... I'm distressed by it... I don't know how to process it... I need reassurance about it....
do you know what I mean? how we have to rearrange our thoughts as we get older.... how it's so weird. hmm. what do you think about second chances?


Hana said...

Second chances are truly wonderful things ... I've been granted so many of them because of stupid, stupid things that I did ... second chances enable you to learn from your mistakes, to grow as a person and to never make those same mistakes again ...

If you need to talk, call me. Either at home or my cell.

Tulip said...

thanks hun.
you're a sweet-heart. I feel much better today. you're right - second chances are a wonderful thing - for any and everyone.