Friday, September 02, 2005

Beautiful Babies

Hi all
I feel much better today. I went to my family's and had dinner, and a nice chat with my aunt - sometimes family can have the most wonderful, comforting, settling way of calming you. then I had a good nite's sleep - complete with Tom blowing in my ear to wake me up so he could pass without stepping on my head.
So today I've decided that second chances are ok - for anyone. for everyone. (the great Tulip has decided!) just don't ask me what I think about third chances.....
Today I held an adorable baby girl, she knows my face, she knows the sound of my voice - it's a beautiful thing when babies recognize you - you feel as though it is perhaps the most important recognition in your life, as though your personal value has increased many-fold, you feel - SPECIAL!!!!!
Here's to babies' smiles!

1 comment:

Hana said...

Babieeeeeeeeeees! The cutest things in the world even when they are doing disgusting things like spitting up or dirtying their nappies!Rob's brother's going to be a daddy soon ... damn that kid is going to be spoiled rotten! =)