Monday, September 26, 2005

Have I ever steered you wrong?

so K, ever the diligent roommate - has made it her goal to "complete" my list of facts about me. I have removed it from comments and copied it to today's blog. Many are accurate and I've clarified some with my own additions in italics and braces. read and enjoy. Thanks K!

(I like it how they seem to revolve around food.)

spartacus said...

Ok, so two facts eh? We need another 98. And since I'm SUCH a great roommate, I'm going to help you out with that my dear Tulip. I will do my darndest to supply those 98 facts. Let’s go.

3. You don't like to be poked.

4. You don't like it when people point.

5. You like raisins. (I LOVE raisins)

6. You love Tom. (I like Tom)

7. You love Nina Simone.

8. You grew up with breadfruit trees in your backyard.

9. You like to hide under your desk to compose yourself when you're all awry. (ok, ok.. that's the truth - but don't judge me by it - we all have our moments)

10. You don't like people to touch you. (it's ok if some people touch me - it's mainly strangers I don't like)(just had to clarify so you don't think I'm a freak or anything)

11. You like to get your digs at me. (true story!)

12. Tom likes to get his digs at you. (unfortunately, also a true story - it's the Spadina house cycle of love)

13. He's your cat. (He's not my cat!)

14. You cry at movies very easily. (you got a problem with that?!)

15. You love to sing.

16. You don't wear jewelry often.

17. You are not afraid of spiders.

18. You like to recycle.

19. You've traveled to Japan.

20. You have short toes.

21. You don't mind because they are your Grandma's toes.

22. You're beautiful (Grammy Phillips said so). (aww:))

23. You like to read funny books.

24. You love to cook new things.

25. You prefer dark chocolate.

26. You like to conserve electricity.

27. You are very private when you have a bad day.

28. You like to share when you have a great day!! (After you regroup under your desk). (LOL)

29. You didn't sleep with a pillow for years until last summer.

30. You take good care of your fingernails.

31. You like Robarts a whole lot. (umm, I don't know how I feel about that one)

32. You like the song "Lost Together" by Blue Rodeo. (I do now ;))

33. You like wheat squares a LOT.

34. You will never travel with Kyle and me again. (neither will I.)

35. You like to dance down the street.

36. You love babies (tick tick tick...)

37. It is impossible for you to sit still for the duration of a movie. (what can I say - it's true - except at theatres - there is no pause button in movie theatres - but there should be!)

38. You do not worship any celebrities.

39. You don't really know about any celebrities. (why waste my time - they don't know me - yet)

40. You have socks with holes.

41. You like to wear them.

42. You don't like it when I comment on that. (friggin' right!)

43. You're a talented whistler. (so are you)

44. You're a talented painter. (why thankyou)

45. You like maps.

46. You hate combing out your hair.

47. You like to give high fives. (*high five!*)

48. You are a MINIMALIST.

49. You like Christmas almost as much as I do.

50. You do not appreciate "Home Improvement" during the afternoon hours when you're trying to nap. (some days there is a whole lot of 'hammering' going on at Spadina)

51. You pioneer with cooking techniques (boiling radishes...who'd've thought?) (let's not speak of that)

52. You wear sunscreen every day.

53. You like to have a cheering section when you get ready for a date. (and a great cheering section you make!)

54. You love to volunteer.

55. You like to listen to Jacksoul and Natalie Cole.

56. You come up with absolutely insane ideas for inventions (like levitating tables and chairs). (you know - to prevent the banging of toes)

57. You like to buy fresh fruit and vegetables from Kensington Market.

58. You like to roast marshmallows over the stove and make s'mores.

59. You say "Oh Kailey" about 100 times a day.

60. You say "That's what I'm talkin' about" about a hundred times a day.

61. You are losing your ability to communicate with the outside world due to the new language you are using called "Spadina Talk". ("Oh Kailey! that's what I'm talking about!")

62. You like drinking tea.

62. You do not like Kraft Dinner.

63. You do like mangoes.

64. You do not like tofu that much.

65. You really like chocolate cake.

66. I think it is actually impossible for you to sit still for periods of time longer than twenty minutes.

67. You like going to the library.

68. You don't like doing laundry.

69. You do like it when your laundry is clean.

70. You hang your clothes to dry on racks.

71. You are proud to be Canadian. (I'm also proud to be Barbadian)

72. You don't do roller coasters.

73. You like watching movies almost as much as I do.

74. You have two sisters.

75. You are a member of the stone church.

76. You travelled with the U of T Gospel choir to Japan.

77. You liked the movie "Silver Streak" with Gene Wilder.

78. You didn't like the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" with Gene Wilder.

79. You used to pronounce ‘says’ as ‘sayes’ rather than the proper ‘sez’.

80. You still pronounce ‘sandwich’ as ‘sangwich’.

81. Your bed is the squeakiest bed in the history of squeaky beds.

82. You sleep with t-shirt material bed sheets. (and soo comfy they are!)

83. You have a giant tiger that is supposed to act like a pillow.

82. You never use it as a pillow.

83. You like the spice basil. (I *love* it)

84. You like to make chicken with vanilla and basil.

85. You like listening to the vinyl café.

86. You listen to CBC Radio (you good Canadian, you)

87. You cried during a really funny ‘I Love Lucy’ sketch. (what can I say - I get emotional some days - it was really good)

88. You really really like chocolate cake. (you said it before but my love is so strong it should be said many times more)

89. You don’t like to make bakes.

90. You make them anyway because you know how much I like them.

91. You buy loads of bananas, don’t eat them all, and then freeze them when they turn brown with the intention that they will someday be made into banana bread.

92. It is seldom that those black frozen bananas make it into bread.

93. You get really excited when I add extra chocolate chips to anything.

94. You have awesome hair when you let it out and it’s all crazy and sassy (and sexy) (*gasp! Blush! Smile!) (why thankyou blush*)

95. You’re dating a really great man who can sing (and does! On command!) (:) He once did a mean rendition of Lost Together - that's why I love it)

96. You are an amazing listener.

97. You offer sound, unbiased advice when it is asked for, but never ever offer it unless asked.

98. You can keep time when you dance.

99. You take care of me. (you take care of me)

100. You’re the best roommate that a roommate could ask for. (aww, thanks man, you're not so bad yourself)
- spart


Hana said...

I'll say this on behalf of Tali-bee because I'm the bitch ... sod off!

Love the 100 facts Kailey and Talibah! =)

Tulip said...

thanks hun, I deleted evil spam comment.
thanks - I love the facts too - I like how it makes it seem as though I always think about food - mainly because it's true (on my way to make dinner - mmmmm pita pizza!)

C said...

High five, Kailey, & high five, Talibah! Awesome set of facts, Kailey, good job. Wanna make one for me? ;) (I *am* working on one for myself, but always interesting to see what others say....)

Ah, the inner language of Spadina House/Apt .... thats what I'm talkin' about. (Although no one has a clue what I'm sayin') :)

Hana said...

Hey thinking of food is not a bad thing ... people would be lying if they said they never thought of food! Guys think about food all the bloody time ... why can't we?