Monday, September 19, 2005


now you're really making me blush.
I wasn't going to write but then I read the new comments posted on my last blog and I had to say something: C!.... (hmmn!).......! (wink)....!... (blush)...!
I know that may seem a little indecipherable but I think the person it's for understands it.
umm moving on.
yesterday I learned something new - that no matter how long I speak the English language I will NEVER have a grip on it. Apparently "sez" is the correct pronunciation of "says" and all my life I've been saying "says" thinking everyone else was wrong! Well!
Otherwise it's been pretty eventful - last week classes started -much to say on those but right now I just want to sleep so I'll address class later and keep it short (have just been wanting to sleep for the past week...grrr).

So... yesterday ..... (drum roll!)................. I met the parents!!!!!!!!!! eeek! it went relatively well - I hope.... my wonderful beau reassuringly told me that I was great - so I'll take his word on it and worry no more. (eeeek!) It was good though - something that I hadn't realised but which was kinda cool, was hearing little stories about him from his mum and sister when he was not around - it's kinda neat learning about him from people who are familiar enough with him to be very frank, but love him enough to be kind.
before I went I asked my sister for words of encouragement (I hope you don't mind me sharing this Saf, I thought it was hilarious!)

Tulip: "so I'm meeting -'s parents tomorrow, I need some words of encouragement"
Dr Robby:"Fart before you leave home"

Dr Robby:"No really, relax, just be yourself and take something"
Tulip:"what? like drugs?"
Dr Robby:"No! like icecream, that way if things get uncomfortable, you can say - 'does anyone want icecream?' and have some"

isn't my sister the best?! and just for the record - when I was telling the story to K she thought that Saf had meant drugs too.
In fact - drugs were probably just on the brain - we recently watched Half Baked (sorry for telling K - I just wanted to put things in perspective) {for those who are not familiar with it - Half Baked is about 4 pot heads who try to bale their friend out of jail by becoming drug dealers} - for those who know us it's a highly unlikely movie for K and I to watch but hey- it was funny. While we were watching it one night we actually got to meet a "pothead" of sorts - he was very nice and was visiting with a friend of K's. He asked us if we've never smoked the cheeba (sp?) before.... LOL -K didn't even know what he was talking about. I laughed and told him that he'd have to dum it down for us - we aren't familiar with the
So on that note - I'll just have to let you know that we are becoming educated on all kinds of things -english language, sex, weed.
good times, good times.


C said...

YAY, you finally updated! :) Happy C. I was beginning to wonder if the comments from the last entry made you run screaming (or moaning, as the case may be). I'll try to update more, and you try to update more, okay?

Glad that meeting the parents went well (wow! already? cool...) - hopefully the 'Meeting the C' can happen soon too!

C said...

Backtracking....I'm sorry, but you didn't mention anything about 'sex' in your post until the last line, when you listed it among the things you were learning about. Elaborate, please? ;)

ps - and a phonetic description of the 'right' way to say 'says' would be appreciated too. :)

Tulip said...

lol, C. the sex commment was in reference to the previous blog (on hammering)(dare I speak to you of hammering when I'm at risk of you making me blush?). and the phonetic description was in there - it's "sez".

Hana said...

Oh that last post was wonderfully revealing ... the 'fun' you and Carolyn must have had at Spadina House ... geez, no wonder you didn't want to move away, Carolyn ... ;) Wazoo to meeting the parents! =D One hurdle jumped over! Glad it went well.

C said...

No, no - I got the part where we say it 'sez' and you thought it was wrong ('cause you're allllways right! :). I was wondering what YOU thought the 'right' (completely subjective) pronounciation was....

Miscommunications all around, it appears.... *moans*

Tulip said...

lol, complete miscommunications alround - now I'm so confused I am moaning. I was saying "says" - I don't know any other way to spell such a pronounciation.. "saze"? hmmm.
and yes indeed han, spadina house was way too much 'fun' in some instances....

Hana said...

Carolyn, continuing this moaning thing does not let my imagination stop at all ... =)