Wednesday, July 06, 2005

< shakes head >... what a suck

(everytime I think "hiho", I think "hiho, Kermit T. Frog here" - remember - When Kermit used to be the daily news reporter on Seseme Street and interviewed all kinds of people - like Don Music ["I'll never get it, never get it *booonngg*])

I'm such a suck because I keep on reading about weddings -well - it's not really my fault I suppose - it's in the air - that time of year, and I know some people who are planning to or have recently tied the knot. So anyways - I won't bore you with tales of them - just in my online browsings two lines stuck out....

Rhiana recently had her wedding ...15 months after the marriage - (I think that's the way to go: - cut out the cold feet and the hassle until you're already good and married - then you know what to expect after the honey moon) and she used the word 'gargantuan' in a sentence:
"We got gargantuan wedding presents, and each day I try to clear a path through the living room. We need a bigger apartment, or at least more outlets for all of my new kitchen appliances."

and Jay, who is engaged said the sweetest thing on the wedding webpage, he said "Beth is so easy to love.". Wow. That's as good as the line from that song: "your love is better than chocolate"! I love love somedays - it really is one of the greatest inspirations...

so, nothing much is going on with me. although I'm excited for school -have been for weeks now - I still haven't picked my courses - so I'll start that today. I should take this time to clarify why I've been excited for school - because I know what too expect - my days are filled and I don't have to jobsearch. so anyways - that's my task for the day.

here is a riddle that I thought up - maybe you can help me fine tune it (I like it when riddles rhyme but I need help finding a proper one)- so please post your suggestions and answers here:

my day is spent in vertical to's and fro's,
I come when called and where you list I go.
what am I?

1 comment:

C said...

I always thought he was saying 'Kermit *the* Frog', myself.... funny how we all hear different things. Although I can easily see 'T.' being heard as well. :) (Seeing what is heard? I think my senses are all mixed up today)