Sunday, July 03, 2005

I (heart) Canada

here are a few interesting facts that I have picked up in the past few days - from yahoo and msn home pages.
firstly we have a word I particularly like

gargantuan -
DEFINITION: (adjective) huge, colossal
EXAMPLE: The building of the Great Wall of China was one of the most gargantuan projects ever undertaken.
SYNONYMS: enormous, giant, large

At this time I want to take a moment to think of another example of this word in use:
Our cat, Tom is a gargantuan nuisance when he is hungry; he gets underfoot and meows at the top of his lungs.

here are some interesting thoughts on weight gain (not that I'm big into it- but these 2 stuck out)

*Fast-food salads
Fast-food salads can contain more calories than a burger. A McDonald's chicken caesar salad with dressing has 452 calories compared to a McChicken sandwich, with just 375. It pays to do your research

*Watching TV
If this doesn't get you away from the box, nothing will. Experts at Tulane University in the US have discovered that heart rate, blood pressure and metabolic rate slow so much while we watch TV that we burn 20-30 calories an hour less than if we simply sat still

ok - those were my random thoughts for the day. I hope that you are well.

p.s. happy belated Canada Day - it's newly become my second favourite place to be: Canada - the land of the free health care and education (in many ways at least) (and the land of generous income tax returns for students) yay!

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