Thursday, April 28, 2005

Breathe Tulip... just breathe.

lots of stuff going on. I recently moved so we've been setting up our apartment nice and cozy:). and tom has been having a time of it - (will give update on tomtales). I've been very tired - and so kinda spaced out - like on Monday I spent half an hour looking for a HUGE bottle of cleaning solution. I even went over to the old house and looked there. that night when K got home she opened the broom closet and showed me the bottle of solution - right on the shelf (I missed seeing the entire shelf when I opened the broom closet ten times that day) - where I may actually have placed it 2 days before.... good times.. good times for the whole family. Moving has been fun. I hope not to have to do it any time soon.
I'm somewhat discomfited because a lot of changes - temporary and permanent have been going on - people are leaving - for summer.. for the year.... for good...:-( This year I feel it more than usual (in the life of a student every year brings change so it's standard procedure that I should be used to by now) - I think that's because this year I've actually made friends - well.... let me put it another way - I've made actual friends (as opposed to virtual ones that is...LOL) of new people, and of those I knew before... so it'll be different when they leave. But on the other hand - having made friends - actual friends - means I have had many good experiences and will have many fond memories. thanx guys! So I'll try not to be sad.

on another note..
here are some additions to my last list - K&T&C isms. I will never be able to cover fully the things we say - I'm sorry guys - don't be mad if I forget an important one - we'll be know what it is ourselves, also, feel free to add anymore in the comments.

16. Are you feeling that?! I'm feeling that!
17. High fives - (and low fives) - (i.e. hand slaps - over the head and by the hip)enthusiatically with much head nodding.
here's 2 on Tom:
18. "He's your cat man".... "My cat? no, only cause I paid for him".... "well you picked him out - he's your cat man"...
19. Don't be bad.
and lastly - following K giving you the finger - only not the middle one...
20. You got Stumped!

here's to good times ahead - new sayings said, new friendships formed.
(heart) tulip

Monday, April 25, 2005


here is another list of things. A list of - T&K(&C)-isms.
1. KAILEY!!!!!????!!!!!
2. TALIBAH??!?!?!
3. Carolyn's home!/Collins! (sadly, to be said less often, as home has moved for everyone)
4. Good times.. good times had by all :-)
5. Have I ever steared you wrong?
6. true story!
7. Whatever Coots!
8. That's what I'm talking about!
9. Straighten up and fly right!
10. All you eat is carbs!
11. you big jerk!
12. mmhmmm?... mhhmmmnnnn!(no vocalization - just wordless conversation that may translate to "that's what I'm talking about" or "good times had by all" - especially used when eating yummy food cooked by any of the afformentioned)
13. I take care of you!
14. BAKES?????!!!!!!!!
15. 100%

we are slowly developing our own language (grammer included!) - and soon we will no longer be able to socialize properly - because no one will know what we're talking about (heheh.... good times! good times had by all!)
love, tulip

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I just need first to say: I don't want to have twins - ever.(!)
There, that being said, instead of complaining I will think of ten happy things to say.
1. Exams are almost over!
2. Babies are cute - even when your exhausted and want to lie down - they're still cute. Especially when they smile.
3. It's spring (for now)(I hear tell of snow this weekend - I say BRING IT ON!)
4. I like it when you unexpectedly bump into someone you want to see in a place where you don't usually go or they don't usually go - especially when you're tired and need to see them (especially if they're a cute boy/girl depending on your preference)
5. Niagra Falls is beautiful - though never quite as beautiful as when you see it the first time (because every time after that it'll just be "water falling" to you - but still beautiful).
(it's hard to think of 10 things)
6. I was walking down the street today and I was tired and hungry when I suddenly thought - I'm glad that I can walk down the street - I'm glad that I can see, and smell and hear! wow - how blessed I am today!
7. Johnathan Livingston Seagull - a must read - when you do - you'll know why it's on the happy list (I just bought it - ask me and I'll share the joy!)
(running out of steam..)
8. Chocolate is yummy!!!!
9. Bananas are yummier!!! (I know there are many of you who would disagree with that one - but it's true!!!! or you can insert your favourite fruit there)...(what was that? Nothing is better than chocolate?)....ok,ok, I retract that last comment - switch numbers 8 and 9.
10. My God is REAL. (!)

happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

the -E- to the -I- to the lost in space...

to answer your question C - I don't know. both Illusive and Elusive apply - in all references to Wilderness... because, it doesn't really exist (illusive) and if it does - it's hard to find (elusive). I think when I first wrote about Wilderness Illusions - I may have meant to use the term Elusive - because I could not find them, but then since I concluded that they must not exist then I was right to use the term illusive (though unintentionally) - (though I think I looked it up before I used it - so maybe it was intentional - it's now a blur to me). (Elusive?)
right.. so now that's cleared (or unclear). I'm going to go back to writing my essay on Wilderness illusions (not yet finished, sadly).
love, tulip

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The trouble with Saf.... What's in a name?

I'll tell you what's in a name!!
to prevent any further confusion to my readers I will once again clarify Saf and Saf.
2 lovely women in my life who share the same nic:
my sister - Safiya aka
  • Dr Robby
  • who is now online (YAY) - I've placed a link on the side of my page; and my friend - Safia aka
  • sappho

  • 2 hip and happening ladies (perhaps it's the name)

    Dr Robby calls herself "the original" and I suppose since I knew her first, and since she is older - she may win that argument, which would make Sappho - "the other one" although she could never be "other" for she is not, instead we can call her... what shall we call her?
    I was going to say "once removed" then I thought how about "number 1" (but that would make Dr Robby zero - which she might not like), so if you have any suggestions on how it would be possible to distinguish (Saf K and Saf R) without some sort of ranking - please do let me know.
    now that we have that cleared that up, I want to moan a minute about illusive wilderness references - GRRRRRRR!!!! ilusive, abstract essays!!!!! ggrrrrr!!!!! ilussive abstract courses!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (see how my spelling deteriorates as I get more annoyed?)

    p.s hey sappho, thanks for your response on music. the word that keeps coming to my mind is organic - something flowing, never "other" - never disconnected - but more than just "connected" or "just being" instead - moving - like music, and alive. :) like 3D painting that moves - that's alive!

    p.p.s sappho - my sister Saf is coming for a visit this week (yay!) you should come meet her! - Safs Unite!!!

    Monday, April 04, 2005

    rats spelled backwards is...... STAR!!!

    a very MOKF day (moan on k's futon - day)
    today I gave the worst presentation in the history of presentations - infact, you know what? it doesn't even deserve such merit...(even being spectacularly bad is a distinction - my piece deserved nothing of the sort). don't you hate it when you make a presentation (can I just say that fear of public speaking + too little preparation = disaster) and you spend the next 2 hours stressing about the things you didn't say [like the main point!] oh Talibah. *sigh*
    but some good came of the day
    1. the presentation is over and I don't have to stress about it anymore
    2. I took a long walk (it was a brilliant day) and many neat things happened like......
    *someone stuck a star on their window - it said "BAM!"
    *I passed a leafless bow-bush - someone had industriously tied maroon bows on many of the branches
    *someone said "mopeds are gay" and "spandex is gay.. especially full body spandex"
    *there are buses running on the street car tracks - I don't know why (one of them read "Special")
    *I had a conversation with a young man in the grocery store - we talked about bread (I knew the young man)
    *I had a conversation with an old man in the grocery store - we talked about how expensive icecream is - I showed him a good inexpensive one to buy - he was grateful (I did not know the old man)
    *I made up an ode to fresh bread ("Fresh Bread how I love thee - let me count the ways.... I love the way you smell..."etc)

    so here's to sucky presentations, may they bring bright days.

    Friday, April 01, 2005

    F.O.D.: Food for the soul

    Last night C and I saw Saf in perfomance - the show was great! I felt moved in some of the pieces (like the dance to "Ain't no sunshine") and it got me thinking - how do people create a dance? I mean, how do they hear a sound and decide which way to move in space and how to make many people move in space to create a feeling... it intrigues me.
    I'm getting that hungry feeling - that feeling that I get when I feel as though I should be doing much more than I am - and I don't mean school work, I mean expressing, communicating, connecting. that inspired feeling that you get when you want to change the world - do you know what I mean?
    the rainbow connection -
    "I've heard it too many times to ignore it, it's something I'd like to be.... someday we'll find it -
    the rainbow connection -
    the lovers, the dreamers and me" Kermit the Frog

    perhaps I'll find it.