Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Saf, you are *BRILLIANT*!!!

Spiral is exactly the word I use - only, I always envisioned it going down (spiraling downward) into an abyss - but I like your interpretation better (growing and learning). And no, I've never seen Howard's End, but now I'll definitely look out for it.
{For those of you a little lost - I'm responding to a response dear saf made to my last entry}.
[Oh how I love brackets/braces/whatever they're called - it's a wonderful way to write an aside without actually writing "aside"] (I probably use them entirely too much).
Oh, at this time I think I need to make a little clarification (for myself mainly, since none of my family reads this blog - as far as I know) Saf - is a friend from school (and the one on blogspot), and Saf is also the name of my sister (though she is not yet online) - and they are both lovely women.
and thanks to C - there is now a link to Saf (and other friends) on the side of my page (thanks C!) oh the joys of computer code.
I'm off to attempt (making) mostly vegetarian lasana - wish me luck!
love, talibah


sappho said...

:) i'm so glad that i *did* understand what i thought i understood, and that you found the comment meaningful! i hope the lasagna turned out well (i'm sure it was delicious). say hi to thomas for me (and of course the rest of the household ;) take care talibah, see you soon!!
lots of love,

kjane said...


i read your blog!!!!

C said...

The lasanga, OH MY GOD. It was soooooooooo ooooooooooooooo*gasp for breath*oooooooooo ooooooooo good. You rock, Talibah. Yummy yum yum.