Monday, January 31, 2005

more thoughts..more walking

  • I just finished reading Ella Enchanted - a wonderful book - full of suitable drama - so much so that at times I put it down despairing that things would ever (never?) work out well. now I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself (sorry if I spoiled the ending for you but I didn't tell you everything).
  • I will not allow myself to buy valentines cards - I stopped at the 7/11 and saw the nicest cards. why am I such a suck with a soft spot for romance? oh why?!!! I even formed a philosophy about Valentines day -Valentine's Day is propagated by card companies and other commercial enterprises - lovers don't need a day to show their love, and those who aren't lovers don't need a day either... everyone just ends up feeling down, or stressed and spending way too much money or worrying about no money being spent on them. (although I feel so strongly about this, I must note that I still require roses on said day). and so I will not buy cards (and send them to myself or any other - undeserving or deserving person - I must NOT give in).
  • Natalie Cole.... mmmmmm.
love, tulip

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