Thursday, April 06, 2006

Please turn down your perfume

I am currently sitting in Robarts library - it is 3:33 am and I am tired. but this is not the reason for my rant (though I must admit that perhaps it is, because when I'm tired it's as though my senses are heightened instead of dulled).
I am ranting because two girls just came in and sat about 20 feet away, and from the moment they walked in my senses have been DRENCHED in scent. it is terrible. it is a terrible sweet.... it is a terrible sweet stomach turning stench... I cannot explain it except to say that I think my stomach turned, my eyes started to water and my face took on that "I smell skunk" scowl... I keep on looking around and giving them stink eye.
where are they coming from? a perfume counter maybe. or maybe they have declared it "let's-see-how-many-people-we-can-knock-out-with-our-scent" day........grrrrrrr.
here - K might argue that at least it is a good scent (K is morally opposed to bad smells - she has taught me about emergency gum - you carry it for the times when someone you're speaking to has bad breath "here, have some gum") but I would have to say that such strength surpasses goodness - has left goodness far behind.... such scent is *TERRIBLE*
so with one final gasping breath before I topple sideways out of my chair.....I grasp my neck and whisper(/scream/gurgle).....
would you PLEASE turn down your perfume???!!!!...........


Hana said...

Gosh so THAT'S where you were when I came online this morning. I was wondering ... =)

kjane said...

lol oh my dear little roommate. yes, at least it wasn't b.o. that you were smelling. lets count our small (i just accidentally typed "smell" rather than "small" freudian slip?) blessings, eh?

- spart