Thursday, April 20, 2006

Early morning singing telegram

hi ho
this morning, in celebration of the beau's Big birthday I showed up at his door with a singing telegram. I arrived - unexpected - at 7:20 with breakfast {compliments to "uncle Tim" (Hortons)} and did a little Birthday jig. :)

It was an instant hit.

I must admit - I was really worried that it would be weird - I'm always worried about coming on too strong - you know - that psycho girlfriend type that you always hear about... but K reassured me (to the point of screaming at me - ok so maybe it was after midnight and I was still worrying about it) that it's really romantic and not in the least creepy to show up unannounced at someone's door (well - so long as the someone happens to be your bf/gf - otherwise I can't really say it's not creepy).

anyways with my good deed done for the day - I'm off to bed now - to finish sleeping.


C said...

You did what?! Aww....thats so sweet! :) Especially the jig. Definitely an awesome present.

Hana said...

I agree. VERY cute. Lovely birthday memory.

Hana said...

Dude! How about an update?! ;)