Friday, February 10, 2006

Reason why we should always wash our hands

it's been a while. i really don't have anything to say - in fact, I was thinking of going on an official hiatus (sabbatical?) from my blog... but then where would I go to procrastinate... like I'm doing right now....
anyways. yesterday I was in the library and I saw a guy with a pocket mirror - he was cleaning his nose with his fingers..... in front of his computer - a public terminal at the school library..... ew!!!
Reason why it is important to wash hands when one arrives home, and before eating.
other than that I don't have anything to report. I've been going to class and gospel choir and hanging out with K. Oooh - she and I organised my room - K is an organizing fiend!!! she had to find a place for everything! Including my four mostly empty bottles of body lotion (what can i say.. I'm a procrastinator - I never got around to turning them upside down so I could get out the last dregs... and throw them out). So now my room is feng-shued (I have no idea how to spell that and i refuse to look it up - so there!) and Tom loves it. He really is quite a cat. hmm. that's all for now. I just thought it was time for something new on my blog and what better time to do it than when I'm supposed to be writing a lab .
hope that you're doing well.. and I hope that you guys are equally inspired to write something on your blogs (hint, hint) - even if nothing's going on - there's always a reason to share a laugh (or cringe at people doing acts of hygiene in public places). plus it gives me more ways to procrastinate.

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