Thursday, January 12, 2006

Elections Cont'd

(sorry, I thought the last post was getting too long - but I had so much to say - so here's the rest of it)
speaking of missing the elections,
another member of our household will be missing out on the opportunity to change his country... Yesterday we said goodbye to my old mattress. We are not sure about the actual age of this mattress but best guestimates put it at a minimum of 16!! I inherited it from the girl that lived in the room before I did, and she from the girl that lived in the room before she did... and she from some guy's basement where, apparently, it had rested for 10 years. So I think that it too might have wanted to take advantage of it's rights as a Canadian (that is - I assume it was Canadian and not born south of the border). Matt (as I've affectionately decided to call him) lived an accomplished life. I can't recount all the restful times I've had with him. As we took him downstairs to the dump place, K mused about how many people must have slept in that bed... I, for one, shudder at the thought of it - since I've spent almost 2 years on it myself (and do not want to think about the happenings for the owners before me).. and aside from a mystery wetting incident I must say that it's been some good time spent. So here's to old friends, and good friends - may they live on in our hearts.

1 comment:

C said...

I'm slow ... I didn't 'get' the name Mike until I read about Matt. :)