Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's Slippery out today

it's slippery out today - there was a freezing rain warning and the ground is treacherous. On my way here I walked very carefully but when I took my mind of the ground for a split second I almost slipped. almost. the instant I started to slip my right arm immediately swung up into the air and I regained my balance. I thought - isn't it funny how your arms just swing up automatically? imagine how fast your brain must be working to analyze the angle of the fall and try to compensate by doing just the right thing - throwing up a left arm, a right arm, pushing the other leg backwards, throwing your weight forward - so many different options and yet you often (though not always granted) pick the right one - in split seconds - simultaneously it seems. in fact, it comes so naturally you don't even think about what it was you did. it blows my mind - my mind does... my mind blows my mind :)
the other amazing thing this week was this lady I met. I guess it wasn't so amazing so much as it made me think - what defines femininity? - what defines looking like a lady? I met this lady who was wearing old running shoes. that's the first thing that I noticed - before I looked up - I just saw the old running shoes with holes in them. and then I raised my eyes slowly (she was sitting opposite me in a group meeting -hopefully she didn't notice me staring)... she was wearing old track pants - the windproof kind, and it too had a hole which she held together with a huge safety pin - and her top was a sweatshirt. her face however, was immaculately done up - and her stature perfect. In fact, when I took in the whole of her - not just the parts - she looked amazing to me - feminine - beautiful, dignified, graceful.... even in my "dress" pants and collared shirt I felt like a slob beside her. It just highlights to me - the clothes certainly don't make the man - or the lady for that matter...:)

later kids.

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