Monday, April 14, 2008

I felt like flossing

Two unrelated connections.

1) Ever noticed how new events can inspire the oddest feelings. Today is the start of a new term for schools .... today I felt like flossing.
I haven't felt like flossing all vacation (and so I haven't! *blush*) but now that school's officially back on apparently my old habits kick in in full force.

My gums are all the happier for it.

2) Has anyone of you ever heard it said that more weddings and births take place in leap years? I'm beginning to think it's true since today I heard about the 7th wedding of my extended friends, family and co-workers taking place this year. Seven! (I'm a bridesmaid in one - I'm excited :))
Plus my next door neighbour had twins (cute!).

(don't worry - this is not an announcement of either event for me - though I hope to put in a bid for at least one of the two for the next leap year *wink*).

heart, tulip

1 comment:

sappho said...

hmmm. i've never heard about that being the case for leap years, but i have encountered quite a few wedding announcements and births this year so far. i thought it had more to do with the age we are at now, personally, but i'd happily add in the leap year theory to the mix!