Friday, April 11, 2008

Staying Connected - 2007 (hope dreams)

(heehee - so I did have a "staying connected" started - but never felt it really reflected much about last year. anyways - here it is with a few alterations)
started 01/01/08
hello folks. started this entry in January - think it's about time to complete it and post it.
thanks Sappho for remembering the tradition!

I'm grateful to be here another year. I'm happy that we've, all of us, made it through 2007.

Best and Worst moments of 2007

Graduating - mainly Best because it was time to move on from U of T. (worse because I want to go back - I miss Gospel choir so!)

Coming home has been one best moment after the next. can we say beach!!?? and family??!! and more beach?! especially after hearing about all the snow in T.O?!

Teaching - my new job - has been a series of better (not best exactly) and worst moments. - dealing with teenagers is one of the most mentally taxing things I've ever done. they try to get under your skin on purpose. They make you feel as though you're going crazy!!

One of the best moments was meeting the other teachers - esp one in particular - who had me on my toes (and on cloud nine) for a whole month (and later NEVER CALLED!!!GGGRRRRR)

One of the worst was realising that we are just a breath.

Reuniting with friends and family was one of the best - hands down. we've all changed - but the love is still there.


1 comment:

sappho said...

i'm so happy to read yours :) i was wondering what it was like to be back home, and am so delighted for you that it has turned out to be so wonderful.

we are just a breath, aren't we?

love ya