Sunday, January 07, 2007

Go Shorty! it's your T-DAY!!!

happy birthday to me!!!!

(24 thoughts of gratitude)

I'm grateful for 24 years.
I'm grateful that I could spend the day with one of my best friends.
I'm grateful for the knowledge that my Father God has been with me for every one of my birthdays! and has loved me even before birth!!
I'm grateful for health.
I'm grateful for delicious food (Can we say Dimitries??!!!!)
I'm grateful for friends.
I'm grateful for family.
I'm grateful for the freedom to serve the Lord and practise my own religion without secrecy.
I'm grateful for cookies.
I'm grateful for the ability to write my thoughts.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts with others.
I'm grateful for others to share my thoughts too (thanks you guys!!)
I'm grateful for the ability to read!
I'm grateful for a bed and a warm house.
I'm grateful for warm clothing.
I'm grateful to be in CANADA - a wonderful country!!
I'm grateful to be going home to BARBADOS some day soon - also a wonderful country.
I'm grateful for good dreams.
I'm grateful for chocolate.
I'm grateful for happy memories.
I'm grateful for bad dreams and unhappy memories (sometimes they make you appreciate the good ones even more!)
I'm grateful for friends that stick by my non-communicitivity(!??! it's my birthday - I can invent at least one word!)
I'm grateful for the ability to learn.... and relearn... and learn some more!!
I'm grateful for second chances.. and third chances!!

I'm grateful for 24 years!! and I'm grateful for you, dear reader!

love, tulip


sappho said...


love & hugs,

Hana said...

Happy Birthday, sweet-pea!


Tulip said...

thanks guys!
(heart) tulip

C said...

We're grateful for YOU! :) (and I know Thomas Cat is too!)

Love C