Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 - Staying Connected

What I like about Christmas in Canada -


...... except this year there was no snow.
I must admit - that though I enjoy the warmth - I now understand a bit why so many people insist on a white Christmas. the entire atmosphere is different. the sounds are different - blanketed - quiet - soft. I enjoy that quiet excited feeling that comes with snow.
What I like about Christmas anywhere - celebrating the birth of Christ - He's pretty universal that way :). I like going back to the wonder of a virgin birth - the Joy of the birth of HOPE, and hearing the story (the history...his-story) over and over again.

what I don't like about the "Holiday season" is the shopping culture - I don't like feeling pressured to buy and accept gifts - that really people don't use or need! so this year I was happy with the way my family handled it - see below.

What is something me and my family do -
this year my aunt and cousins cancelled "Christmas". we did spend the day together - but no gifts, no extra trappings, decorations; just good food and good company - it was great!!! the best I've had a long time.

What was the food like?
well, this year - the young ladies ("kids") got together and we did the baking. we made extremely yummy coconut swirl brownies - if you like coconut and chocolate it's like a collision of HAPPINESS!!!!! we also made "soft and chewy" chocolate chip cookies (can we say YUM??!!!); dried fruit bars and chocolate cake!! then my aunt made dinner - Crabslegs, smoked turkey, fish, seasonsed rice, stuffing (I'm a lover I admit), asparagus {you haven't had asparagus until you've had it by my aunt:)}.

looking back on 2006

I'm ashamed to admit it - but I really don't want to look back on it. Or think about the things I would change. ... I'd change so much. don't get me wrong - it wasn't bad... but I'm excited for 2007!
to mention the good stuff - it would be living with my favourite (now) long distance roommate (who only became long distance in september). I enjoyed shamelessly enjoying the OC, s'mores and countless other guilty pleasures. I laugh when I think about us. Had it just been one person doing the things we did, they may have been called 'antisocial' or 'odd' - but two's company! so we had a good time.
stuff I'd change would be relationship wise I guess. I'd be a bit more decisive and more cautious with my feelings, emotions, actions.
how have I changed? I think I've learned a lot about myself this year - I haven't neccesarily grown stronger - but I've recognised strength in myself (which always makes a person stronger!). God has been teaching me so many things that I'm only excited about what I'll learn in 2007 and excited about what will happen. (excited, and I must admit - terrified - but I'm working on letting Him handle the fear).

looking forward to 2007
I graduate this year!!!!! very exciting!
and after that is a huge ledge from which I will jump (and fly!) - that's how I feel about the future right now - I have no idea what's in it. .. but at least I know who holds the future :)
what do I want to happen? I want to go to Barbados for a bit and soak in as much sun, sand and salt water as is humanly possible (don't worry - I'll be sure to apply sunscreen). will I stay there? I don't know - as I said - currently the future is an unknown (a sort of blank - in the way that a canvas is blank - and mostly inspiring).

new year’s resolution
to be more disciplined... who am I kidding .... to be disciplined!! you know - keep all those resolutions I've made for the past several years (you know the usual suspects: exercise, journalling, constructive reading, spiritual discipline)... I've decided that discipline is the biggest thing lacking - so I'll work on that

I just want to take a moment to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I wish all you ladies (and male readers that I don't know about) a safe and prosperous 2007.
I've enjoyed reading your blogs, learning your thoughts and staying connected for the past year - as the new year takes me into the unknown I hope we can all keep in touch and remain a supportive community.:)

(heart) tulip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"if you like coconut and chocolate it's like a collision of HAPPINESS!!!!!"

I like coconut. I like chocolate. I'd like the recipe. ;)

Missing you. Love your blog!

*big kisses*