Monday, November 20, 2006

Why did the Chicken Cross the road?

Because the Santa Clause parade was not blocking it's path!

So on Sunday I had quite a time getting home. I went straight to church after a weekend away from home. so I had my stuff loading down both shoulders, and decided to take the TTC home instead of trying to walk on highheal-soar feet with heavy baggage.
Unfortunately, at Spadina, the streetcars had stopped coming because of an accident on the route. Ok, not a problem - I can walk the remaining way home. little did I know what madness waited above ground. when I got upstairs I was greeted with the sight of a thousand people lining the streets. I had forgotten about the Santa Clause parade. Scores of children, parents, people, were croweded onto the sidewalk. I paused at Spadina hoping that a break in the parade would allow me to cross the street. sadly, this was not the case. Only after walking several blocks east (back towards church!!) did I declare my efforts futile. - for even if I managed to slide/squeeze/prise my way through the throng on my side of the street, through a break between floats and paraders, I would have no hope of getting through the crowd on the other side of the street (or past the policemen patroling it at frequent intervals).
I was not the only person having this problem - I met several people along the way with the same frustrated/trapped/angry feelings. One lady was clearly trying to find China town and having severe difficulty, not only was she lost and pressed by a crowd of blank faces, she didn't speak english!!! I hope she eventually found her way.
I considered walking all the way back to Bay in order to get to an underground walk way (can we say grrrrr for a moment?!). I stopped for breath at St George (almost halfway back to Bay St), and decided to take the subway - even if it meant extra money - just for the sake of avoiding the throng! I came in behind two students who were explaining to the subway attendent that they just wanted to cross the road to go to school! he let us all in for free, saying we could take the subway a stop or two south.
Gee! who knew the Santa clause parade could insight such thougts of anger. frustration and resentment!

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