Tuesday, October 17, 2006

University 101

this is supposed to be a quick post - it has been raining all day and my socks and shoes are soaked through - and cold! and my friend just yelled at me "TAKE EM OFF, u'll get foot fungus!" (so ofcoarse I instantly felt like my toes were starting to grow fungus...)
so I will try to be brief. but since I recently receieved an email from my dear long distance roommate telling me to blog - blog I will.

Over the past few days I've realised that there is so much about university that no one ever tells you - I think there should be a course when you start: Surviving University 101.
lessons would include topics like:

inevitably it will happen - but try not to procrastinate on important stuff - like essays worth 30% of your mark! (I know it sounds impossible - and it just might be for some people - but hey - I just had to put it in there)
interesting example: In my entire university career I have missed several assignments, quizzes, even an essay (worth 30% :(_!!) - and I've figured that if I had just handed in all the things I didn't do (handed in, I'm not even talking aced!) - I could probably boost my gpa by half a letter grade. And together with all those assignments I handed in late - an entire letter grade. it seems like a small thing at the time - but it really adds up!

Completing your degree
Estimates put it at 4 years - but if you do the math (20 courses, 5 per year) - it's almost impossible! - unless you do summer school (I say "almost" because I do know one person who did it - at least I think she did - she may have done summer school) - because it does not allow for - failing courses or dropping courses which you think you might fail (an aside which could be devoted to an entire lesson called - "how to improve your gpa by dropping courses which are too hard the first time around"). It also does not allow you to change majors in second year (or third year... or fourth year), or have any extenuating circumstances (which really are beyond our control)

don't let them wait until May of the year you plan to graduate in June to tell you that you're missing a breadth requirement! (they did that to a friend of mine!) ask questions! and then ask some more questions - it's ok to harrass people - that's what your paying them for!

Take advantage of your fees!
You pay them - know what they go towards - and make use of those things offered to you because of them (or because of money donated by others) eg gyms, free tutorials/ editing, bursaries, grants, scholarships, libraries, free food at events, events, clubs, lectures by famous people, lectures by obscure people who may be famous in 20 years, career information, resume clinics, did I mention grants and bursaries???

Don't EVER talk during lectures unless you are speaking directly to the prof - otherwise please leave the room - everyone else is there to listen to the prof - not to try to hear over your annoying whisper!
WAIT until the previous class has left the room before you barge in! There is only so much room in the lecture hall and the seats aren't going to run away before you reach them.
WAIT until the prof is finished before you start packing your stuff - especially if the class isn't over yet!
DON'T whisper in the library - your "ssss....tsss..sss...." is far more annoying than your regular voice would be (unless your regular voice is loud and obnoxious, in which case, don't talk!). and NEVER use your cellphone for convo's over 30 secs - if any longer please leave.

(ok, so these are just a few of my pet peeves that I think should be taught across the board)

get out there! explore! the majority of my learning did NOT happen in the classroom. the life skills I learned (am learning) -like communication (would you believe people used to think I was shy and quiet??), and empathy, love, strenght (<- clearly not spelling!), courage, thinking of others .....etc.... did not fit under the course discriptions for BIO 150 or GGR 310! there will only be one time in your life when you have so much freedom (hopefully you have freedom - I guess not everyone does....but if you do...) enjoy it!

and lastly (in the words of C) "its an adjustment for everyone, and no on really knows what they're doing either. just go with it, and ask for help if you need it"

Ok, so maybe I could have used this course myself - because I certainly didn't follow all the advice - but that's because I had to learn it the hard way!
Please add to this list as you see appropriate - maybe one day I'll run my idea by the University Board (of whatever it is that decides on what courses are taught).

yours, tulip

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