Tuesday, October 03, 2006


(an angry rant which may be spurred by my increasing sense of panic and indecision concerning assignments and my lack of sleep)

I'm tired seeing weight-watching ads on Yahoo and titles on the front of magazine covers:
lose weight quick; lose 7 pounds in 7 days; lose 10 pounds in 10 days; tuck tummy, vanish flab....

Who are you? and how dare you tell me I need to lose weight?!!! there's nothing wrong with my weight! maybe my eating habits could occasionally do with a face lift (i.e. more fruits, more vegetables, less chips from a truck [mmmmm but so good, whatever you say spart, still the best I've ever had!]) but weight loss is not the goal of my existence - knowing that I'm healthy should be. and how dare you (who ever you are oh media person who controls my interruptions - by ads on my TV, during my email checking, and my walks down the street) try to make me think or feel otherwise!

and here's the second thing
I'm running around from laundry mat, to library, to kitchen, to grocery, to volunteer, to choir, to rushed conversations with friends, to class. And I'm feeling guilty for all the things I should be getting done - all those emails I should write or pages I should read - not to mention class notes, applications for jobs and postgrad stuff..... and it's true - I should be a better steward of time but what I'm about to say is also true:
there is a little voice inside my head which keeps saying "you gotta do what you gotta do"
but Darn it! I disagree. I gotta do what I CAN do. and if what I can do is less than what I gotta do - too bad! stop making me feel guilty little voice - go suck a lemon! I value keeping contact with my friends and with myself - I think it's important to breath now, not later when I have the time.....

ok, enough ranting. got to go do work :). hope you are well, dear reader. hope you stand up to the voices in your head!
(heart) tulip

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