Thursday, January 12, 2006

Elections Cont'd

(sorry, I thought the last post was getting too long - but I had so much to say - so here's the rest of it)
speaking of missing the elections,
another member of our household will be missing out on the opportunity to change his country... Yesterday we said goodbye to my old mattress. We are not sure about the actual age of this mattress but best guestimates put it at a minimum of 16!! I inherited it from the girl that lived in the room before I did, and she from the girl that lived in the room before she did... and she from some guy's basement where, apparently, it had rested for 10 years. So I think that it too might have wanted to take advantage of it's rights as a Canadian (that is - I assume it was Canadian and not born south of the border). Matt (as I've affectionately decided to call him) lived an accomplished life. I can't recount all the restful times I've had with him. As we took him downstairs to the dump place, K mused about how many people must have slept in that bed... I, for one, shudder at the thought of it - since I've spent almost 2 years on it myself (and do not want to think about the happenings for the owners before me).. and aside from a mystery wetting incident I must say that it's been some good time spent. So here's to old friends, and good friends - may they live on in our hearts.


so my birthday was this weekend. I had a great celebration of it - thanks to C, Sappho, Tony and mS. And then K came home and threw me a "surprise" "party" (in quotes because it wasn't really a surprise and the "party" consisted of us two : )). but I had a great time and she made me an amazing MOIST cake with 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! candles (best box cake so far roommate!)

Today however, I'd like to write on a slightly more somber topic.
Over the weekend, while K was away, I witnessed the death of her microwave. Poor beloved microwave was on it's last legs and we didn't even know it...

I must admit, I feel somewhat guilty as I had been calling it names and criticizing it harshly (one day it took 1 minute to warm up a pastry - one minute!!! most units take 8 seconds... but we should speak well of the departed), yet unbeknownst to me, the little guy was actually doing us a service beyond the call of duty - he had, infact, survived beyond his allotted time, probably outliving many of those that came after him... he was 18 years old....!
I'm not even kidding you.
I had unplugged microwave (let's call it Mike - I feel he's been around so long that he deserves a name) in order to wipe him down. I'm pretty sure that I didn't get any water into any integral parts, but when I plugged him back in his screen never moved from RESET and the key pad had stopped working. That's all that happened - I promise - I'm sure that K suspected foul play at first because I had displayed such animosity towards Mike - But I hold that I had only the best intentions of making him cleaner. anyways - when K turned him around in an effort to find his unit number (she was checking out possible problems on the internet) we saw the dates and (as they say) - the truth was in the numbers. Our dear Mike was born (manufactured) in 1988. He would have turned 18 this year.... if only he had lasted a few more weeks he would have been able to vote in our Federal Elections on the 23rd! It would have been his first opportunity. K and I feel great sorrow at this missed chance....
anyways, we both agree that he lived a good life and worked hard. So I'll take this opportunity to say - may you rest in peace, Mike.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!!
Happy Birthday to me!!!

my Christmas, New years, and Birthday were all great! I spent them with friends and family and the family of friends.
Here's hoping that 2006 is a wonderful year for all you reading this.