Thursday, October 13, 2005


I really like that word - for some reason it makes me happy.
It seems some night last week all the trees on our street changed to orange-yellow, yes indeed - the fall is here. I can smell it in the air and it makes me excited - changing seasons always do. Fall for me is always the start of a new term, something with lots of potential.
So I've given my colours a bit of a change because I feel that they should be more seasonally appropriate - K's are actually what I consider to be "fall", but to spare myself and you the confusion I chose these instead.
here's to changing seasons and the joys they bring (did someone say Christmas??!!)


kjane said...


Love the new colours.

Bring on the Christmas. I simply CANNOT wait!

- spart

Hana said...

Mmmm fall is beautiful! On our way back to Kingston on Monday, the trees along the 401 had changed colours and it was SO lovely! I tried to take some pictures on my digi-cam but they all came out blurred ... understandable since we were driving in excess of 120 ... =)