Sunday, October 30, 2005


I know it's been a while... yeah, well, what can you do?
anyways, I just wanted to let you know about my eventful weekend.

Yesterday I came home around ten pm. I was exhausted (I'd left to go to practice at 10am {I'm in my Church's Christmas production - so you guys should come see - especially if I end up doing a solo - I'm not to sure about the solo though - it's a Whitney Houston (sp?) song that needs to be sung with soul - however: "I got soul but I'm not a soldier" [wink]}. and then I hung out with a friend, then hurried home and left again for a concert with the Choir - the concert was great) - so anyways, I was exhausted and when I finally crawled into bed it was soaking wet. I kid you not - there was large wet spot through my teeshirt, through my comforter, my sheets all the way to my mattress. I was intrigued but exhausted and noone else was home but Tom. So I changed my sheets, put down a towel and went to bed. I thought maybe someone had spilled a glass of water (somehow) on my bed. this morning I spoke to K and Soupy (who stayed over lastnight)
Tulip: "would either of you know about a big wet spot that I found on my bed?"
Soupy: "uhhh....ummmm...I don't think I should comment on that... finding wet spot on your bed"
Tulip: "Soupy!!! very funny, I found that spot last night - before I went to bed!!"
Soupy:"oh, then I have no idea"

anyways - neither of them knew anything about it - they both suspect Tom. I smelled the sheets at the time and nothing was amiss (but truth be told I can't actually always smell ammonia - it's true - I once astounded my chem class when my teacher put a tube of ammonia to my face saying that she wouldn't put it any closer for fear of burning my nose off and I still couldn't smell a thing- that's right folks - I'm a medical wonder!!) so maybe my testimony of Tom's innocence is not the greatest. but why would he do such a thing - I mean, yeah it's his favourite spot, but there is absolutely no need to mark it -we all know it's his. hmm.

today I helped in the church nursery. it's funny how one person - grown or otherwise can throw you right off. One baby girl (she was soo cute) started to cry and no matter what I did (I changed, fed and cajoled her) she remained inconsolable (it's a good word - very accurate) until her father came, at which point she fell happily asleep - grrrr.... but while she cried - piercingly, in such a distressed manner it was as though the world would end - I couldn't focus on anything or anyone else. I felt like crying myself when it was all over - that can be so jangling to one's nerves.... I don't know if kids are where it's at for me....

lastly, there was a seminar after church and at the end of it I picked up an open bottle of water that was under my chair and had a good drink, then I looked into my bag and noticed that my bottle of water was still there.... ummmm...uhhh... uhoh. don't you hate that?! have you ever done that? drunk someone else's water. ew!!!!!!!! I didn't know what to do.. I can only shake my head and pray that it was some happy healthy person... or else that maybe I had two bottles of water in my handbag..... :(

water - whether in the form of a mysterious puddle in my bed, tears from an inconsolable seven month old, or from someone else's water bottle - water can be very distressing (for me at least - this weekend)

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I really like that word - for some reason it makes me happy.
It seems some night last week all the trees on our street changed to orange-yellow, yes indeed - the fall is here. I can smell it in the air and it makes me excited - changing seasons always do. Fall for me is always the start of a new term, something with lots of potential.
So I've given my colours a bit of a change because I feel that they should be more seasonally appropriate - K's are actually what I consider to be "fall", but to spare myself and you the confusion I chose these instead.
here's to changing seasons and the joys they bring (did someone say Christmas??!!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Intimate yet interesting

So the other day I went shopping with my friend R - R and I have realised that she is me (and I am her) - she shares with me an insane love for Bubble tea, and she has the same sense of humor - although we do differ in our feelings about clothing and shopping. She cares about what's "in"; about what others are wearing, what colour is in season, in fashion, in vogue and I couldn't care less about any of it. When it comes to shopping, and clothing I follow the three C's: Comfort, Convenience and Cost. if it's comfortable I wear it - but only within a certain cost range. but no thrift shopping for me - I'm all about convenience - sifting through cool finds is NOT my cup of tea - one stop shopping is where it's at.
So anyways - (speaking of C's and cups) back to our shopping expidition (which was more composed of looking at things and her trying to convince me that it would look amazing and me resisting firmly) - we went into a ladies underwear store - and the staff was so helpful - they helped me pick out the right size bra and fixed and pulled to show me how things are supposed to fit. now - it was a bit odd to have strangers get so intimate - but to good end - for, apparently, I (like many women in North America) have been wearing the wrong size bra for years. life took on a whole new meaning in that day (ok, I exagerate a little -but it was quite neat). so for those ladies reading - try it out -you might learn something exciting about yourself :)

The other thing that I have encountered recently - intimate yet interesting. It's that God knows all our secrets. This might seem a strange thing to say - so I should complete the sentence... God knows all our secrets and loves us regardless of them. I was thrilled(/relieved) by this revelataion because I recently learned a secret that set me thinking - about acceptance, about the fears we often have of opening ourselves to others. fear that they will reject us, think less of us, judge us - and sometimes (sadly) they do (I try my best to never be one of those people). But, happily, I realised yesterday - that there is always this garauntee of His love, and I felt - better. I felt relieved to know that it is possible (to love regardless of - to love unconditionally). So that means (through Him) that I can do it too.

Lastly - I just need to say - guys don't get it! MEN!!!!! you just don't get it!!!!
a woman needs to hear it said (multiple times). get it?

heart tulip