Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Baby would you be my summer rain?

it's raining again - and finally getting cooler. Sometimes the rain feels like a release. It washes clean and leaves you feeling as though you've breathed out - a nice long breath out. the grass is getting green instead of the old tired dusty yellow... and it's breathable outside, cool and breathable.
I know this is weather talk of a sort, but not merely that - this is also how I feel - as though I am breathing out - relaxing after a few weeks of tension... smiling after a bit of a drought...happy. tentatively so - I know that tomorrow will be sweltering hot once more and I'll be itchy to leave the city. but right now I am happy exactly where I am and smiling that happy grin you get after you've met a kindred spirit: one who is not afraid to walk down Front street with you singing loudly:).
Here's to Rain's Release and Happy Days.

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