Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Constantly checking my blog... (reminds me of that song "Constant Cravings")

I'm currently taking a 40 day rest from msn webmessenger. it's actually been fine so far - but I think that has something to do with the fact that I've simply replaced webtalk with blogging, so that now I check my blog (and other peoples blogs - guys, why haven't you written anything???!!!!) at least twice a day. sad, I know.
by the way, on Monday I discovered the illusive illusions of the Canadian Wilderness -which I was quite happy about.
I read today about life views - the question is - how do you see life? or how do you see your life? what is your life metaphor (e.g life is like a journey)? and I realised that I don't have a life metaphor - which is probably just as well. though if I had to make one up it would probably be that life is an adventure, and the way I account for this is that (especially when I was in high school, but even to this day) I try to carry everything in my bag, or rather - something for just about every occasion because you never know when you'll need deodorant, or a watch pin...... (for those of you who know me you may have noticed that I often carry a [large] backpack, I've tried to stop - I can't help it!) And if you've ever cooked with me - you'll see that I'm into (culinary) adventures :)
(maybe I can generate some dialog, and have something to read next time I check my blog.. hint hint....) so tell me, how do you see life? and why?


kjane said...

hello tulip

my sweet TA said something today that i think i can relate to your question (though i must admit it doesnt answer it completely, or really even come close to it at all. i just found it funny at the time). what he said was in reference to the creationist theory vs evolution. he made some comment about something evolving and then quickly caught himself and said that he hoped he hadnt offended anyone by talking about evolution. we laughed about that, then he continued saying that he figures we evolved from being a giant muffin created by the big baker in the sky who lives in a gargantuan chocolate chip. i think he was just hungry. i enjoyed the food analogy at any rate.

so how do i see life? hmm. i'll have to think about that and write it in MY blog. now you'll HAVE to go check it eh?

- spart

C said...

I had an idea! Last night, in the shower....then I forgot it this afternoon. Then I remembered it again! So I figured I'd better write it while I still had grasp of my faculties. I don't know if its an actual metaphor that I would use to describe my life (I like metaphors, but not necessarily for *big* things, like life).

Anyways. The description that I like comes from 'Garden State', where one character says 'Good luck exploring the infinite abyss', with 'the infinite abyss' being life, and never knowing what you'll discover. I thought that was a good way of looking at it.

sappho said...

hmmm...i've always conceptualized of life as waves - like waves of water - except the waves aren't made up of water, they're made up of everything. so, at times of peace and quiet, when you can get things done and have time to rest and reflect, it's as if the tide is out, and calm; and when you have tons of things to do and you feel like you're running from one thing to the next with barely any time to breathe, it's as if the tide is slowly rushing in. wave upon wave upon wave...that's always how i've thought about it, without exactly consciously realizing it. good question, talibah! thanks for asking it :)