Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Staying Connected - 2008

thank you Sappho for upholding the tradition.

2008 was one of the shortest years I remember (though it's technically one of the longer ones : 366 is a lot of days for a year).

Best moments

*teaching primary level and special needs. without a doubt - enjoyable. Special needs education is one of the most challenging things I've ever done.

  • Emotionally challenging because these children (and any children really) are so vulnerable sometimes it hurts... you can't help but take that worry with you. And some of them - you know they understand just what's going on - but they can't communicate (how they feel or what they think). Lord, teach me how to listen when they do not know how to speak.

  • Physically challenging because I met a little/big 5 year old (I dubbed him "sumo wrestler born on the wrong continent") he can bring almost anyone of any size to their knees with a well placed shove and a knack for finding your centre of gravity. Also stubborn children can be heavy (even when they weigh nextkin to nothin). note to self - next year - no lifting if possible - my back and my knees can't take it.

  • Mentally challenging because I know they can learn and often even have a thirst to learn... but finding the way that they learn is a challenge. keeping them occupied and stimulated and out of trouble takes excessive amounts of mental energy. books, videos and traditional games are insufficient.

* learning how to live on my own and go grocery shopping and cook healthy food for my self..... I'm still learning - but I'm getting better at it. Even though I lived "on my own" for 4 years (i.e in the TO) living on my own here was like a totally new experience - complete with running out of food a couple times and eating cereal for dinner. Now I feel a sense of accomplishment with every trip to the market.

* beaching it on a regular basis. Thank you God for my sight - and allowing my to see clear blue skies and beautiful sunsets.

* entering my photos in a photo competition - sadly I didn't win anything but it was a great experience. I felt quite special.

Worst moments

Thankfully I've been healthy and safe this year and the only rough moments have been few and far between.

* my two best friends "breaking up". Now we're no longer the three musketeers. I'm still trying to find my way in this (does anyone have any suggestions?).

* not getting everything I want (I know it's part of life - we deal with it from the time we're 1 - but this year it's been hitting me hard). Lord, please help me to accept graciously and gracefully that whatever you withhold is for good reason.

Hopes and Dreams for 2009

* to spend more time with family - 2008 flew by and I only saw my aunts here a couple times. I live in Barbados for goodness sake! I should be seeing them on a regular basis. so I plan to make a concentrated effort.

* give myself enough time to write. it's not that there aren't ideas there - but I've been shortchanging myself in terms of time... so hopefully I can finagle a few more hours into my day. (If I figure out how I'll be sure to let you know how)

*be hope-free and faith-full. I know it sounds odd - I don't want to be hopeless, only hope-free... living in the real present, not the imagined (never going to happen) not too distant future. Faith is about trusting God for my future, not believing I know what's best for me (and living in a dream if/when I can't obtain it).


take care

love, tulip

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