Saturday, June 14, 2008

A few random thoughts

thought while on the bus (May 9th)

  • I just saw a woman with big curlers in her hair - and perfect posture.
  • I wish I has the sort of posture that made a stroll up the driveway with yellow curlers in my hair look like a walk on the catwalk...

thought on June 4th (new moon)
  • Today I feel decidedly under the circumstances, under the weather and under the moon. I'm blaming it on the New moon (which was yesterday) and lower than usual blood sugar (haven't eaten in hours). I'm going to go make dinner! (I can't change the moon).
  • One of my students wrote a whole composition on potato wedges. Even I'd be hard pressed to write a composition about raisins (though I do recall writing a poem). And as much as I love them I flat out couldn't do marshmallows.

Two Tom thoughts
  • I just opened and emptied a can of tuna - unharassed.
  • I accidentally taught my class to give stink eye (it's so cute when 8 year olds do it!)
  • Mid convo one student stopped and pointed out the window - cat!! (I love children)
  • (ok, that was more than two)


  • The things - the - something that happens between men and women. The tiny little *things (zings) that pass between brief touches - even across the space between them. Do they exist? and to what extent?
  • L, I'm in love with the language you speak. Like I'm in love with French men -ooh la la! sigh* I wish I knew all that you say. You understand me so much better than I understand you (thought to my deaf sign language instructor).

Seseme Street

  • "Yeah, well, I'm a grouch - I'm not pleased to meet anyone. So SCRAM!" (oscar The grouch)

Dirty Dancing

When I watch a good movie - especially one where the guy and gal have an apparently happy ending - or better yet - beginning; I wonder what really happens next (you know - after the credits role). Like tonight, I watched Dirty Dancing - which has some HOTTTT!! dance scenes and must have really steamed up the screens when it first came out (sizzle sizzle Patrick Swayze!! ;)). And I wondered what happened with Patrick's character and 'Baby' (Jennifer Grey) afterwards...
Did they get their happy ever after? if so - for how long? for ever?
what happened when she went to University? did they do the long distance thing? Did it work? Did he get used to having one stellar woman or did the temptations of his former life prevail once he gained his confidence?
Did they do great things?
Did they do great things together?
I guess I'm always curious now - when things get off to a great beginning - how do they continue? and how exactly do they end?
I liked When Harry Met Sally for that, because they had (not quite) false starts - real starts - that even continued - but also finished (a couple times) and gave a glimpse of the ending (CUTE!!)

Here's to happy ever afters.

Monday, June 09, 2008

A Miny Ode to Spart

time to see a new post more reflective of my mood

current mood: slightly hungry/excited
(Kiddies are so cute!!!!!)

A Miny Ode to Spart

Spart - I miss you.

I miss being able to talk to you at the end of the day and deconstruct and analyze (and reanalyze) everything.....

I miss the way you comment about people and I know it's not just me going crazy - someone else noticed that that guy or gal was acting a bit *funny*.
Or like last week I played monopoly at my aunt's and she was in such a funny mood - oh spart - we would have had a good laugh at the end of the day. She almost told me off for serving a guy his lunch - it was great!

I miss your futon.

I miss being able to moan and groan and rant about life, the universe and everything.

I even miss your cat. the other day I was able to open a can of tuna completely un-harassed: where is Tom????

I miss telling you about my crushes and pre-crushes (the amorphous appreciation- the tingles one gets before you know you have a crush) and having you egg me on.

speaking of eggs - I miss cooking darn good meals on a whim!

I miss before dinner snacks sigh. (umm toasted pita bread and peanut butter)

I miss eating darn good meals - too good to be allowed meals (don't get me wrong - I'm eating well here - but I haven't had roast beast or baked salmon or candy squash since last year!)

I miss dessert. (chocolate chunk cookies!!!!!)

I miss in-between snacks - can we say smores???!!!!!!!????????

I miss you.

how are you?

oh - and I didn't even talk about all our shows - I miss all our shows. I miss Burke.

sigh - smile.
hope you are well.

heart, tulip