Friday, May 16, 2008

rainbow connection

"I'm wishing on a star.
to follow where you are...."

I've been thinking about that song a lot recently because I think I saw a falling star on Monday... and that song immediately came to mind. I never really knew the words but I always sang
"I wish on all the rainbows that I see
I wish on all the people we ever meet"

I like my version - because it applies to what I'm about to say.
I do wish on rainbows. I love where I live right now because in the rainy season I see soo many rainbows - one week I saw one every day for 5 days!
But this wishing on stars, or wishing on rainbows thing is something I'd like to clarify - it's not a belief in fate, or the stars. It's not a wish into the future - or even the past - it's a wish into the present. A realisation of the potential of everything around us. So much potential: in the people we meet, in the sky, in the day.
the Psalms (118:24) says

"This is the day that the Lord has made - let us rejoice and be glad in it"

We can say that of every day. It reaffirms that somewhere - in this day there is a reason to rejoice. And if we can't find one - let's rejoice because God made it!

A rainbow reminds me of this - reminds me that in a bunch of random water particles mixed with light - this thing of immense beauty is created.
Just think about the stars - millions of light-years away (in space and time), balls of fiery rock - twinkling in our night sky.
Today it's 4 days till full moon - my heart beats to think of it, and I observe the moon growing (glowing) every day until then.

The Lord has placed beauty in so many places in His creation.

Let's look for it and enjoy it.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

May the 4th be with you!

hi ho
I'm so happy to have remembered that on this year :)
apparently I missed March 4th (and conquer!).
how are you all doing? I hope you are well. I haven't much to report except that I'm currently teaching fractions - exciting stuff!
(also, it's 3:20 am - so maybe my lack of things to say has to do with a lack of sleep ...a problem which I plan to fix very soon)
ok. I'm out for now.

May the 4th be with you!
