Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hurricane Hunters

How cool is that???!!!!!
Check it out here (unfortunately, their website - seems to be down).
Yesterday I got to see the inside of a plane used for Hurricane Hunting! It was the plane of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron and I got to meet some of the men that fly in it. And I even got to see pics taken from the inside of the storm - the stadium effect.
Can you imagine - these are people that don't just see a storm - they fly into it! How I think of it:
"Oh look thunder, lightning, hurricane force winds and high pressures - let's fly into it"
These men must be (insert your word here)(my word is crazy!!!extreme!! cool!!).
In storms they can experience drops of 1000's of feet in seconds - any of you ever experience turbulence - you know a sudden drop of a few feet causes your stomach to get a little funny feeling and you feel a bit shaken - now imagine 1000's of feet. CRAZY!! they said it's like a roller coaster and everything and everyone is strapped down.
I'm getting such a rush thinking of it (can you tell??). For the first time ever I wanted to learn how to fly a plane (though, not necessarily fly it into a hurricane).

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