Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wash your hands!!!!!! (a rant)

It amazes me (and absolutely disgusts me) how many people don't wash their hands after going to the toilet. I just passed a girl heading straight from her stall out the washroom door and I had the urge to say "excuse me! aren't you forgetting something?!?"
I surpressed the urge and have settled for a blog rant.

wash you're hands
we are fortunate enough to live in a developed country
this means that healthcare is relatively accessible
but it doesn't negate the risk of disease spread
wash your hands!

healthcare may be "free"
but it certainly is not cheap! (what do you think your taxes are for?)
save yourself the hassle (time and the money) of getting sick!
and don't make others sick!
wash your hands!

so you think your hands aren't dirty because you think you didn't "touch" anything?
that doesn't mean that the person who opened that stall door before you didn't have/do something nasty!
wash your hands!!!

"Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections." (Health Canada says so!! and it's true!)

grrrrr, tulip

*edit note - you may notice that this was posted at some unearthly hour in the morning. The time is not wrong - it was too early for truly coherent thinking (even now I'm still struggling...)
so I've edited a line or two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are *so* right! Rant on, Tali-bee, rant on!

4:38 A.M.?! You're my hero! =) What were you doing up then?