Thursday, December 07, 2006

Some thoughts - and the value of money

  • there is a guy across from me wearing a sad-looking Santa Clause hat. Probably a dollar store edition. I'm glad he's in the spirit of the season, but gee - the hat's not that merry.

  • thought directed to library rats - (you know, like mall rats they're those people who just go to the library to hang out - because clearly they're not there to do work - otherwise, why would they talk to their friend for a *SOLID HOUR* or have an entire(ly too loud) conversation on their cell phone). Do you even go to this school? I don't mind if you just came play games on the computer (I do that sometimes) - but if you've come to talk - and disrupt my work - please go elsewhere!

  • thought directed to the person who thought up my chemistry labs: "You're joking right??!!!!.... but no, your not joking are you? you're quite serious."(you really want me to read over 40 pages and spend 15 hours of my life for less than 5% of my mark)

  • thought directed at a certain someone: I wrote you into one of my stories.......... you were the villain

I recently dropped a quarter on the subway. a guy in a suit picked it up and gave it to me - he said "it's so hard to come by, you don't want to lose it that way". I was struck by the idea that a quarter is valuable (and that this man knows the value of it). It really is - and yet - I always seem to forget that.. Thank God I can forget it, even for a second. that speaks of the relative luxury of my life. I'm not rich - don't get me wrong (in fact - like many students - I'm in debt!) - but for the past two months I've had two pennies to rub together (literally, I'd find 2 cents in my pocket) - I read somewhere that makes me more fortunate than 2/3 of the world. I have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear and I can read - I'm rich!

(heart) tulip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is a particular gratification by writing annoying people into stories :) tulip, your little anecdotes are fabulous. i keep coming back to read them again, and each time i see something new.