Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Thoughts while walking revisited

I've moved and there is much to be said about my new place..... There is also nothing much to be said about it..... So let's do the latter. But the people are really nice.

The walk to church is just a bit longer than before - but on Sunday it was a beautiful day and I had a good time walking. Here are some thoughts I had while walking:

1) I'm glad that we're not dogs - imagine how long it would take if we tried to stop to greet everyone we met while we walked - I mean - even if we didn't sniff butts - shaking hands would take almost as long. and a ten minute walk would quickly become a 60 minute walk. But just think how many friends we could make!

2) I'm also glad we're not all toddlers - they always seem to take the circuitous route to things. never straight - more frequently perpendicular to where your going or where you want them to go - especially if the wrong direction spells trouble. have you ever noticed how many toddlers make a mad dash for the road if you let go of their hands for even a minute - what is that?

3) Currently the Film festival is taking place in Toronto. I walked up Bay street and through Cumberland which is a very happening location with lots of hotels, theatres and famous people. it's where "the action is". However, for those of you who know me - you know that I couldn't recognize a famous person if they bit me on the butt! (my philosophy is - they don't know my name... why should I know theirs?) - But I must admit that I have caught some of the star fever that is engulfing the city - so my strategy is simple - I try to spot the folks who look as though they're trying to be incognito - but who are dressed suitably (especially in black or leather). and then I imagine who they might be. like maybe that guy who walked by with the leather jacket and the shades with the lady and two young girls, is some famous director who has brought up his family to see the up and comings in the industry. I can imagine indefinitely almost any role for any person - which I feel is better than actually knowing what the star really looks like and being able to tell who someone is or isn't.

Today I started classes. In this light I'm sure there will be many more entries as the procrastination begins once more! here's to school! and new beginnings!

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