Friday, September 29, 2006

life is....

sappho said...
hmmm...i've always conceptualized of life as waves - like waves of water - except the waves aren't made up of water, they're made up of everything. so, at times of peace and quiet, when you can get things done and have time to rest and reflect, it's as if the tide is out, and calm; and when you have tons of things to do and you feel like you're running from one thing to the next with barely any time to breathe, it's as if the tide is slowly rushing in. wave upon wave upon wave...that's always how i've thought about it, without exactly consciously realizing it. good question, talibah! thanks for asking it :)love,s
9:18 AM

recently I was reading through some old blogs and I came across this excellent response to a question on our metaphor of life. I just thought I'd resurrect it for the day. It's so true.
* * * * * *
This morning on my way to the library a man and a woman got out of a taxi and started walking towards the library in front of me. I listened in on their conversation.

man: geez, it's been so long since I've been here
woman: oh? did you go to U of T?
man: yeah.

I smiled to myself as I thought about it - one day that will be me... walking up to Robarts (a trip which I make now EVERY SINGLE DAY) thinking - "geez, it's been so long since I've been here"
it's such a strange thought. I still have dreams about my primary school - a school I stopped going to at age 11 and one which I haven't visited in several years. It is always contained in my most vivid dreams. and the house I grew up in is often in my dreams too. Sometimes my current friends are there - even Tom enters my dreams - and sometimes the place where I'm living - but I can't think of a single dream that has taken place at U of T.
but one day - when I'm no longer here frequently ("geez, it's been so long since I've been there") and my brain is regurgitating images that have been imprinted on my subconscious, I'll be here again.
right now, sitting in Robarts, it's difficult to imagine where I'll be when that happens - will I be some place far away (or living in Barrie ;))? the image I have is in a house by a beach - maybe in Nova Scotia, maybe Vancouver, maybe Barbados, maybe Kenya - there really is no telling where I'll be - but one day (maybe not to distant future) I'll be far from here. :)


kjane said...

You could move to Barrie, go to Georgian, get an apartment, get a corgi...

Oh Mom.

Your Cat misses you. Oh, and Greg wanted to know if you wanted to go on a European excursion that he might plan one day. I told him I might, if I manage to survive stabbing myself in the eyes with a fork.


- spart

Tulip said...

LOL, Spart!!!
trip, eh? I'll take it into careful consideration..;)

oh, and he's not my cat - but he sure is cute!

(heart) tulip