Monday, June 09, 2008

A Miny Ode to Spart

time to see a new post more reflective of my mood

current mood: slightly hungry/excited
(Kiddies are so cute!!!!!)

A Miny Ode to Spart

Spart - I miss you.

I miss being able to talk to you at the end of the day and deconstruct and analyze (and reanalyze) everything.....

I miss the way you comment about people and I know it's not just me going crazy - someone else noticed that that guy or gal was acting a bit *funny*.
Or like last week I played monopoly at my aunt's and she was in such a funny mood - oh spart - we would have had a good laugh at the end of the day. She almost told me off for serving a guy his lunch - it was great!

I miss your futon.

I miss being able to moan and groan and rant about life, the universe and everything.

I even miss your cat. the other day I was able to open a can of tuna completely un-harassed: where is Tom????

I miss telling you about my crushes and pre-crushes (the amorphous appreciation- the tingles one gets before you know you have a crush) and having you egg me on.

speaking of eggs - I miss cooking darn good meals on a whim!

I miss before dinner snacks sigh. (umm toasted pita bread and peanut butter)

I miss eating darn good meals - too good to be allowed meals (don't get me wrong - I'm eating well here - but I haven't had roast beast or baked salmon or candy squash since last year!)

I miss dessert. (chocolate chunk cookies!!!!!)

I miss in-between snacks - can we say smores???!!!!!!!????????

I miss you.

how are you?

oh - and I didn't even talk about all our shows - I miss all our shows. I miss Burke.

sigh - smile.
hope you are well.

heart, tulip


kjane said...

My dearest little Tulip,

I cannot even tell you on how many levels this cheered me when I read it last night. So much so that I blogged for you.

I don't blog for anybody. Nobody but you.

Thank you so much.

Oh, and ditto.

- spart

Tulip said...

Spart, I just noticed the implications of moaning and groaning on your futon. (nudge wink*)

speaking of suggestive undertones - I miss Brian.

ps - completely enjoyed your blog for me :).