Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Dreams like water

"dreams like water is to do with hope - she is like a camel and stores dreams like water. She can live on almost nothing but dreams." (Tulip)

This sums up much of 2007 for me. Dreams and memories have been my food. Here's hoping for 2008 to be a year of action: acting on new dreams.

I hope to write a "Staying connected 2007" very soon (thanks so much Sappho for starting, and upholding the tradition!) but today, all I wish to say is
HAPPY, HEALTHY 2008 to all you readers!!
I love you! (spart, sappho, C, shopgirl, hun, N, tulip, sweets, molly!)(person that I suspect I forgot)


1 comment:

sappho said...

a very belated thanks, tulip. i read this when you posted it but since the 2007-staying connected hasn't appeared yet (i don't blame you, the barbados sun would keep me outside all the time too!) i wanted to say thanks. and i hope 2008 is turning out to be a good year for you so far!
