Monday, December 05, 2005

Raisins Prevent tooth decay??!!!!.. sweeeettttt!

today my roommate made my day - she showed me an article in a magizine that says scientists have found that raisins prevent tooth decay - I don't remember the science behind it - I don't really care what it is - just so long as I get to eat as many raisins as I want and feel great about it. Apparently K and I have more in common than I had previously realised - we both enjoy cleaning our teeth (one day I'll tell you about her tooth-cleaning fettish)! And C - there was one for you too - potatoes are good for the heart. you have a good heart! and apparently, baked or fried is no good - microwaved is the way to go! you're ahead of the game and you didn't even know it. And dark chocolate has in cancer-fighting agents. ohohoho - I see lots of good times ahead.
I'm on msn right now. I have been for the past week. for bad reasons in part - I'm trying to "pick up a cute guy" as one friend put it. but then today i realised the other reason I'm on all the time. being online is like hanging out at Cheers - everyone knows my name. there is a community of friends that I am instantly connected to by simply typing a password - like opening a door. I don't have to talk to any of them. I just like knowing that they are around me and we're all doing something in common - we're all sitting infront of our computers (like sitting around the bar). I even have a bartender that I can tell all my sorrows to. ain't life great?
so I pull up my mug. take a long drink. and drown all my sorrows in the web.
(heart) tulip

1 comment:

Hana said...

LOL what a way to put it, Tali-bee! That is brilliant! Being online is like hanging out at Cheers ... genius! I'd like to know the science behind raisins preventing tooth decay please!