Friday, December 09, 2005

3 Quick notes:

My roommate is a Clothist - she makes me wear clothes at all times, especially when going outside in the snow. Fi! She said that she would have no more of me wearing bikinis out in the winter - I say Fi! to that!

the cat just swore at me:

Toms says: mrrrrrrrrrrrrrow! im going to shred your bed.

talibah says: go ahead -I bet K would like that!she thinks it's the loudest bed ever

Tom says: i think it is too, bitch.

talibah says: oy! Tom!

Tom says: you talkin' to me? do you feel lucky? well, do ya?

I'm not kidding - K was transcripting for him (unless he was typing this himself!)

lastly - there is a guy in this row who is wearing Old Spice -it smells so good - unlike most people, it doesn't make me think of my father or grandfather - instead it makes me think of this guy from primary school (that's age 5-11) he used to wear that scent - don't ask me why. He was really cute and all the girls had a crush on him. whenever I smell that I remember him and smile.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Raisins Prevent tooth decay??!!!!.. sweeeettttt!

today my roommate made my day - she showed me an article in a magizine that says scientists have found that raisins prevent tooth decay - I don't remember the science behind it - I don't really care what it is - just so long as I get to eat as many raisins as I want and feel great about it. Apparently K and I have more in common than I had previously realised - we both enjoy cleaning our teeth (one day I'll tell you about her tooth-cleaning fettish)! And C - there was one for you too - potatoes are good for the heart. you have a good heart! and apparently, baked or fried is no good - microwaved is the way to go! you're ahead of the game and you didn't even know it. And dark chocolate has in cancer-fighting agents. ohohoho - I see lots of good times ahead.
I'm on msn right now. I have been for the past week. for bad reasons in part - I'm trying to "pick up a cute guy" as one friend put it. but then today i realised the other reason I'm on all the time. being online is like hanging out at Cheers - everyone knows my name. there is a community of friends that I am instantly connected to by simply typing a password - like opening a door. I don't have to talk to any of them. I just like knowing that they are around me and we're all doing something in common - we're all sitting infront of our computers (like sitting around the bar). I even have a bartender that I can tell all my sorrows to. ain't life great?
so I pull up my mug. take a long drink. and drown all my sorrows in the web.
(heart) tulip