Monday, November 14, 2005


me again.

I've been thinking about a blog that Sappho wrote a while back called "Voice". It was early September so I guess I've put off writing about my thougts for a long while - which is mainly because of the problem that I'm about to mention. I've been feeling that all I've been hearing for the longest while has been my own voice. I feel as though I can hear it constantly - nag, nag, complain, complain, murmur, murmur. do you know what I mean? like a child almost "I'm hungry, I'm full, I'm tired, I'm bored, I'm annoyed with this fellow, I like this guy, I don't like this guy anymore, I'm tired of this situation, I'm tired of that situation, I'm tired, I'm worried about the future, I don't care about the future, I have no money, I want to buy that book, I have too much work to do,........" and on and on and you see what I mean. I feel as though I've been so inward focused (aka self absorbed) that I've been missing - well missing. missing perspective, unable to make long term plans, unable to think of others. my voice is constantly on and blocking out all other voices.
I feel as though I could do with a vacation from my own voice. And in that vacation I could remember what on earth I'm here for (what I'm here on earth for) and how I can be of help to everyone else here on earth.
Yesterday there was an article on CBC radio about Spirit councellors in the Quebec school system. Their "job" is to help children to find God - whatever the God of thier religion... or rather, to help them look for Him. One of the clips was trying to teach children how to meditate and the difficulties children encountered in doing this - they had the same reasons I do.
I think I'd like to learn to silence my voice - the one filled with doubts, complaints and distractions. the one that focuses only on the immediate present, immediate past, and the immediate future instead of the big picture.


p.s Nutella ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm talking ROCKS!!!!!!! and I love it - not like - LOVE.

1 comment:

C said...

I do understand/appreciate the desire for silencing of the inner voice (although its nice to have someone in your head to talk to every now & then ;).

But you should also be using this space (I think) to plug your voice - and that of the rest of the choir! :) Looking forward to the concert.