Thursday, July 14, 2005

underoverunderoverunderover.. Jazz is city music

so far for the day I've had 2 suggestions on blogs - so I think I'll get both at once ...and while on the subject {of getting 2 birds with one stone} I'll share with you a line I wrote in an email to a friend [I hope you don't mind, friend]
"that way you could get 2 birds at one time (who said you had to kill 2 birds - I think it far better to feed them and let them sing at the same time - maybe harmonize).. "

so anyways
1. Jazz is for the city. K and I were listening to Jazz today and we started to talk about the different kinds of music that go with different places. I fully believe - especially since I've moved to the city - that Jazz is City music - I feel it so much more here. K said -it's condo music.. and it is - it's sophisticated, artsy, grownup type... although that's not where it began. It's now considered (to us anyways) middle to upper class type of tunes - whereas it started out on the streets and bars - in the lowest parts of cities.. isn't it funny how things change?
So then we went through different places - like country is country music (at which point I became horrified that there would ever be a place where one *must* listen to country music)... so K explained - if you live on a farm -you know the radio on in the kitchen playing the country tunes... - but she agreed that cottage country could be classical. And coast (especially east coast) would be blue grass.. ummm folk music.
The north is Rock/ metal. And city-university res living would be alternative type stuff. and pop and R n B fits in somewhere in all this. I think prairie is Country too (lol, I guess I'm never going to the prairies then)....
what music do you associate with different places? any thoughts?

2. I hate epics - no, that's not quite right - we just watched Ben Hur and it was really good - it's not epics I dislike- it's I don't know -unnecessary drama I think... it's a fine line - for instance - I was disappointed with Titanic - it was a great movie in many ways - but I felt that they had Leonardo die in the end just to make it suitably tragic - I mean - couldn't they just alternate on the darn door?! And American Beauty: Two hours of my life I will never get back! (sorry to those of you I'm offending - K and I went through this but I think she's forgiven me - she owns them both) - although I must say, I'm kinda glad I watched it for now it has become a standard - when someone recommends a movie to me I say - "what did you think of American Beauty?". I had a lesson with that when I watched "Dancer in the Dark" with a girl in res... she was in raptures that it had been rented and proclaimed that it was her 2nd favourite movie in the whole world... I watched the movie with her (there really is brilliance to it - but don't see it if you have a weak stomach and definitely don't see it alone - it's awful!.. Brilliant - but awful - Bjork is the main singer - nuff said)quoting a review ( "When it's over, it's a safe bet that no one will walk out of the theater feeling good. But more one will walk out feeling nothing at all."
and only after watching the entire thing did I think to ask if she'd seen American Beauty - she says (swoons)..(ok that's kinda harsh, anyways) - "That's my *favourite* movie ever."
nuff said
I don't know - I just left thinking - do these people have such boring lives that they must make themselves feel terrible by watching this stuff? isn't life terrible enough sometimes?
but maybe I was missing the point.
now don't get me wrong - I like a to cry at movies (I told you - I cried at I Love Lucy the other day)- but I don't like to walk away feeling like poking my eye out. know what I mean?
so that was my little vent. recently I went to the library and asked the librarian to recommend happy books (I'm reading "Can you Keep a secret"'it's by Sophie Kinsella - the author of Confessions of a Shopaholic (I just started reading the review but then stopped for Can You Keep a Secret- I think reviews [ and book backs] spoil books), and I'm having a great time of it. although I don't know if I can say it's "good" persay - why does good always seem to mean sad....

so, that was a mighty long blog - thanks for staying till the end. I'm off to make some salmon and read somemore.

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