Friday, July 29, 2005

Hey now Ho Now, Fooba Wooba Jon

Heard a cow say meow
Fooba wooba, fooba Wooba
Heard a cow say meow?
Fooba Wooba Jon,
Heard a cow say meow
then I heard it say bow-wow!
Hey Jon! ho Jon! Fooba Wooba Jon!

real words to a song! ask me sometime - I'll sing it for you.... and this is not even a strange verse.

Summer Rain

so today the squirrels in Queen's Park were doing some weird sort of ritual rain-dance. I passed at least 3 of them doing it - they each had a stick (usually a thick one, about the length of their body - maybe a bit longer) and would hold the stick in the front paws - run a few steps and then lie down on their backs with the stick between all four legs and wriggle a bit...... I kid you not - I saw it...... with my own eyes........
did I ever tell you about the squirrels in Queen's Park? In first year Bio we figured out that they are probably so awfully inbred and isolated that they are all crazy or have formed some sub species of squirrel. Queen's park is encircled by a road-way and although some squirrels make it across it is hypothesized that the gene transfer must be pretty low. further evidence for this can be found in the fact that the squirrels do appear to suffer from various ailments as would suggest some level of inbreeding (or too much Toronto air) - they are unkempt, unhealthy and very aggressive (the reason I don't cross Queen's Park alone at night). When I first came here I was terrified. My fears were confirmed when I saw a squirrel attack a lady... - it was in Vic (across the street from the Park - apparently, neighbouring populations also show signs of madness) right infront of my residence - a lady was eating some cheese cake, she was sitting on a bench. the fiend came up, all innocent, begging for food, soon he'd jumped onto the back of the bench, then he'd crawled down her front and into her lap (by this point, myself and the others watching were too stunned to provide any help - had it been me on that chair I would have been FREAKING OUT) - the lady just stood up and shook the culprit away. then she offered it a piece of cake on her fork - the squirrel grabbed the cake - and the fork and ran away..... from that day forth I've stayed far away from T.O squirrels.

"Summer rain, whispers me to sleep and wakes me up again" Carl Thomas - Summer Rain

(heart) tulip

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Big Moon

Won't you stay?

I just saw a cool car liscence plate - it said 2th Fary. I didn't get it until I said it out loud. Another good one I saw is I FRGT - And I heard the guy telling a joke to a cop about being asked for the liscence # - to which he replies "I forget".

There are so many things to talk about - like my wonderful weekend - I watched Fight Club (THE BEST MOVIE ever!) for the first time.. and I got to go to outside T.O and swim in C's pool and listen to the sound of no traffic. And other stuff.. only - right now - all I want to do is go back outside under the big, bright moon - it's a glowy kind of yellow - and huge - hanging in the sky somewhere next to the CN Tower.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

underoverunderoverunderover.. Jazz is city music

so far for the day I've had 2 suggestions on blogs - so I think I'll get both at once ...and while on the subject {of getting 2 birds with one stone} I'll share with you a line I wrote in an email to a friend [I hope you don't mind, friend]
"that way you could get 2 birds at one time (who said you had to kill 2 birds - I think it far better to feed them and let them sing at the same time - maybe harmonize).. "

so anyways
1. Jazz is for the city. K and I were listening to Jazz today and we started to talk about the different kinds of music that go with different places. I fully believe - especially since I've moved to the city - that Jazz is City music - I feel it so much more here. K said -it's condo music.. and it is - it's sophisticated, artsy, grownup type... although that's not where it began. It's now considered (to us anyways) middle to upper class type of tunes - whereas it started out on the streets and bars - in the lowest parts of cities.. isn't it funny how things change?
So then we went through different places - like country is country music (at which point I became horrified that there would ever be a place where one *must* listen to country music)... so K explained - if you live on a farm -you know the radio on in the kitchen playing the country tunes... - but she agreed that cottage country could be classical. And coast (especially east coast) would be blue grass.. ummm folk music.
The north is Rock/ metal. And city-university res living would be alternative type stuff. and pop and R n B fits in somewhere in all this. I think prairie is Country too (lol, I guess I'm never going to the prairies then)....
what music do you associate with different places? any thoughts?

2. I hate epics - no, that's not quite right - we just watched Ben Hur and it was really good - it's not epics I dislike- it's I don't know -unnecessary drama I think... it's a fine line - for instance - I was disappointed with Titanic - it was a great movie in many ways - but I felt that they had Leonardo die in the end just to make it suitably tragic - I mean - couldn't they just alternate on the darn door?! And American Beauty: Two hours of my life I will never get back! (sorry to those of you I'm offending - K and I went through this but I think she's forgiven me - she owns them both) - although I must say, I'm kinda glad I watched it for now it has become a standard - when someone recommends a movie to me I say - "what did you think of American Beauty?". I had a lesson with that when I watched "Dancer in the Dark" with a girl in res... she was in raptures that it had been rented and proclaimed that it was her 2nd favourite movie in the whole world... I watched the movie with her (there really is brilliance to it - but don't see it if you have a weak stomach and definitely don't see it alone - it's awful!.. Brilliant - but awful - Bjork is the main singer - nuff said)quoting a review ( "When it's over, it's a safe bet that no one will walk out of the theater feeling good. But more one will walk out feeling nothing at all."
and only after watching the entire thing did I think to ask if she'd seen American Beauty - she says (swoons)..(ok that's kinda harsh, anyways) - "That's my *favourite* movie ever."
nuff said
I don't know - I just left thinking - do these people have such boring lives that they must make themselves feel terrible by watching this stuff? isn't life terrible enough sometimes?
but maybe I was missing the point.
now don't get me wrong - I like a to cry at movies (I told you - I cried at I Love Lucy the other day)- but I don't like to walk away feeling like poking my eye out. know what I mean?
so that was my little vent. recently I went to the library and asked the librarian to recommend happy books (I'm reading "Can you Keep a secret"'it's by Sophie Kinsella - the author of Confessions of a Shopaholic (I just started reading the review but then stopped for Can You Keep a Secret- I think reviews [ and book backs] spoil books), and I'm having a great time of it. although I don't know if I can say it's "good" persay - why does good always seem to mean sad....

so, that was a mighty long blog - thanks for staying till the end. I'm off to make some salmon and read somemore.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

under over under over

so far I've spent the day running from one sprinkler to another -it's HOT, plus, I love that exilerated feeling when you run through a shower in a public place (wink). I went to work -but discovered that I don't have work today (or at least I don't think I do, if I do then I just shafted my, I'm not at all put out though - because it's way too hot to do anything substantial - plus, I'm excited to go home - continue tidying my room, take out these cornrows (they're mighty tight) and daydream somemore.. I tell you - it's addictive.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Going up....?

so I recently made up a riddle thingee and since I have not had a rush of responses I figure that no one's been reading, no one cares, or you're all stumped (except for C who was able to guess it in a sleep induced state of mind). So, once again, here is the question.

my day is spent in vertical to's and fro's,
I come when called and where you list I go.
what am I?

the answer's at the bottom. On another note I'm wondering about stuff. what about stuff? well... just stuff.. my job is surreal; it's been too hot to be allowed (35degrees C? plus the humid-X..) what is that?!!!; and I hung out with a cute guy who bares a close resemblance (perhaps too close a resemblance) to my old boyfriend (I hate the phrase "my ex" and I refuse to use it - ever!) (not physical resemblance - it's this thing - this calmness.. this personality trait thingee) It sucks - that calm that I find so darned attractive in men (boys?). You know - every woman has something that leaves her incabable of... of clear thought, leaves her stuck on one thing... leaves her miles ahead of the present (and any possible reality) - why.. why .. why do we need men anyways? (the eternal question I suppose) - or rather - why must we need them so?
so anyways - that was a bit of a whine and I apologise. I'll try not to do it too often. I realise that this is (at least) my second entry which is not totally clear -but fear not - just like an impressionist painting eventually it will all take shape (or maybe not - since this is my life) and become a thing of beauty.
elevator is the answer! get it?!!!
(heart) tulip

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Recurring Dreams

what is that? I thought that you had control over your daydreams... don't you?

I dream
filled with you dreams
fine schemes
get to know means
unfullfilled dreams
shake my head
fold my fists in
dream rock
moon smock
quit removin

I dream
day dreams
head spun
mood done


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

< shakes head >... what a suck

(everytime I think "hiho", I think "hiho, Kermit T. Frog here" - remember - When Kermit used to be the daily news reporter on Seseme Street and interviewed all kinds of people - like Don Music ["I'll never get it, never get it *booonngg*])

I'm such a suck because I keep on reading about weddings -well - it's not really my fault I suppose - it's in the air - that time of year, and I know some people who are planning to or have recently tied the knot. So anyways - I won't bore you with tales of them - just in my online browsings two lines stuck out....

Rhiana recently had her wedding ...15 months after the marriage - (I think that's the way to go: - cut out the cold feet and the hassle until you're already good and married - then you know what to expect after the honey moon) and she used the word 'gargantuan' in a sentence:
"We got gargantuan wedding presents, and each day I try to clear a path through the living room. We need a bigger apartment, or at least more outlets for all of my new kitchen appliances."

and Jay, who is engaged said the sweetest thing on the wedding webpage, he said "Beth is so easy to love.". Wow. That's as good as the line from that song: "your love is better than chocolate"! I love love somedays - it really is one of the greatest inspirations...

so, nothing much is going on with me. although I'm excited for school -have been for weeks now - I still haven't picked my courses - so I'll start that today. I should take this time to clarify why I've been excited for school - because I know what too expect - my days are filled and I don't have to jobsearch. so anyways - that's my task for the day.

here is a riddle that I thought up - maybe you can help me fine tune it (I like it when riddles rhyme but I need help finding a proper one)- so please post your suggestions and answers here:

my day is spent in vertical to's and fro's,
I come when called and where you list I go.
what am I?

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I (heart) Canada

here are a few interesting facts that I have picked up in the past few days - from yahoo and msn home pages.
firstly we have a word I particularly like

gargantuan -
DEFINITION: (adjective) huge, colossal
EXAMPLE: The building of the Great Wall of China was one of the most gargantuan projects ever undertaken.
SYNONYMS: enormous, giant, large

At this time I want to take a moment to think of another example of this word in use:
Our cat, Tom is a gargantuan nuisance when he is hungry; he gets underfoot and meows at the top of his lungs.

here are some interesting thoughts on weight gain (not that I'm big into it- but these 2 stuck out)

*Fast-food salads
Fast-food salads can contain more calories than a burger. A McDonald's chicken caesar salad with dressing has 452 calories compared to a McChicken sandwich, with just 375. It pays to do your research

*Watching TV
If this doesn't get you away from the box, nothing will. Experts at Tulane University in the US have discovered that heart rate, blood pressure and metabolic rate slow so much while we watch TV that we burn 20-30 calories an hour less than if we simply sat still

ok - those were my random thoughts for the day. I hope that you are well.

p.s. happy belated Canada Day - it's newly become my second favourite place to be: Canada - the land of the free health care and education (in many ways at least) (and the land of generous income tax returns for students) yay!